bug bounty

Mozilla bug bounty

2004 : Mozilla launched its bug bounty program.Read more
Google to Pay For Bugs Found in Chromium (Threat post)

2010/01/29 : Dennis Fisher writes on the Google new program. It "will pay security researchers a $500 bounty for every security bug they find in Chromium, the open-source codebase behind the Google Chrome browser, as well as for bugs found in Chrome itself."

This...Read more

Lawyers, Bugs, and Money: When Bug Bounties Went Boom (Part One - Fisher paper)

2021/08/30 : Dennis Fisher writes a three-part series upon the evolution of bug bounties since they get birth. Here is the first part, talking about "the hackers who turned a niche idea into a worldwide ...Read more

Swiss Post publishes the source code for its e-voting system (Swiss Post article)

2019/02/07: Swiss Post article about the publication of the source code for its e-voting system.Read more

Apple pays hackers six figures to find bugs in its software. Then it sits on their findings.

2021/09/09 (in the Washington Post) : Reed Albergotti explains why ethical hackers are fed up with Apple's bug bounty program. Main reasons among others are the lack of communication, the confusion about payments and the long delays.

...Read more

Mozilla Bumps Bug Bounty to $3,000

2010/07/16 : "In an effort to enlist more help finding bugs in its most popular software, such as Firefox, Thunderbird and Firefox Mobile, Mozilla is jacking up the bounty it pays to researchers who report security flaws to $3,000."Read more

Google Security Reward - 2015 Year in Review

2010/01 : Google launches its Vulnerability Report Program which gives financial bounties to security researcher finding bugs. 

"[B]ecause rewarding security researchers for their hard work benefits everyone. These financial rewards help make our services, and the web as a whole,...Read more

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