1984 : Two members of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) hacked BTX, by stealing 135 000Marks. They wanted to prove...Read more
2009/07/13 : John Leyden explains how "Anti-Sec" broke into the big image hosting websites ImageShack.
This artifact is part of the Anti-Sec movement Bundle...Read more
2014/11/18 in Golem.de : Hanno Böck writes on the BTX-Hack.
1984 : Two members of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) hacked BTX, by stealing 135 000Marks. They wanted to prove that the online service BTX, which had been in existence for a year at the time, was not sufficiently...Read more
1997 : L0pht, "a group of sophisticated hackers has stepped up the assault on the security of Microsoft's Windows NT operating system."
The group began then negotiating with Microsoft and other companies. They agreed to notice them a month before the...Read more