2018/06: Hanno Böck's toughts and opinions on HTML mails and its roles in the EFAIL vulnerabilitiyRead more
2019/04/05: The Daily Swig article reviewing the controversies surrounding the Swiss Post public intrusion test for their e-voting systemRead more
2018/05/24: Article on EFAIL vulnerability, email vulnerabilities and the patching of those vulnerabilities. It questions the safety of emails in generalRead more
Here is the Wolf Hill Group’s Exclusive Interview with Scott Chasin. He talks about future of cybersecurity, Bugtraq, USA.NET, MX Logic, and ProtectWise. He gives ...Read more
2018/05/29: EFF recommendation for PGP users on how to react to the EFAIL vulnerabilities disclosureRead more
2018/05/17: Matthew Green thoughts on the EFAIL vulnerabilities disclosure, its handling and the future of PGPRead more
2018/10/03: Heise security article on the Enigmail bug under WindowsRead more
2017/12/01: Swiss Post article by Stefan Friedli. The cyber-security specialist comes back on the parliamentary motion to submit e-voting to a public intrusion system and why this is not enough to assure the system's securityRead more
2018/10/12: PEP foundation's blog post on the Enigmail's bug under Windows, its solution, the background, the extent of the damage and error avoidanceRead more
2017/06/03: Internet Society Switzerland Chapter's press release announcing their project on privacy via mass encryption got selected for funding in the Beyond the Net programme of Internet SocietyRead more
2019/02/12: Swiss Post article by Rolf Haenni and Reto E. Koenig on e-voting security and universal verifiability. Read more