cybersecurity market

Schneier - Crypto-Gram November 15, 2001

2001/11/15 : Schneier published his monthly newsletter.
He talks about Cert/CC creation and reacts here on Culp essay

"[Culp] claimed that we'd all be a lot safer if researchers would keep details about vulnerabilities to themselves, and stop arming...Read more

Schneier - Crypto-gram January 15, 2000

2000/01/15 - Schneier Crypto-Gram newsletter :
nCypher publically disclosed SSL private key vulnerabilities to sell their solution to fix the flaw. Schneier writes here his opinion against this practice. 

This article is part of the...Read more

Atlantic Council - It takes a village: How hacktivity can save your company

2018 : Atlantic Council release its comic It takes a village: How hacktivity can save your company.

"Sandra’s story aims to promote a better understanding of CVD practices among policymakers and business leaders, as well as address the misperception of CVD as a catch-all solution...Read more

Mozilla Bumps Bug Bounty to $3,000

2010/07/16 : "In an effort to enlist more help finding bugs in its most popular software, such as Firefox, Thunderbird and Firefox Mobile, Mozilla is jacking up the bounty it pays to researchers who report security flaws to $3,000."Read more

Anti-hacking method of full disclosure under attack from a part of the security industry - McClure and Scambray

2000 : The authors explain their view pro full disclosure and its aim of educating people. They add their opinion on the bad sides of full disclosure.
"The only rational solution is to make the script kiddies responsible for their actions, as we do with all criminals
...Read more

Beyond HOPE Hacks into Big Time (WIRED article)

1997/11/08 : Austin Bunn explains how, regarding to him, "the technobacchanal Beyond HOPE highlighted the further evolution of computer jocks into the mainstream - and into money."
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A Step Towards Information Anarchy: A Call To Arms - hellNbak

2001 : Hellnbak proposes to enter the war against Culp's idea to "end information anarchy". Regarding to him, security should not be a question of calm business but more about safe and well-informed public.

This artifact is part of the ...Read more

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