Motherboard article about Texas voting machines not functioning but being used still. Note: the first page of the PDF document is to be ignoredRead more
2019/02: Swiss Post official terms of use, conditions and code of conduct for their e-voting bug bounty programRead more
2019/03/12 : Report of researchers who found a vulnerability in the SwissPost e-voting shuffle. The trapdoor commitment scheme allows an undetectable vote manipulation.
2019/03/12: Motherboard article about critics concerning Swiss Post e-voting systemRead more
2019/04/05: The Daily Swig article reviewing the controversies surrounding the Swiss Post public intrusion test for their e-voting systemRead more
2019/02/22: Scytl statement concerning rumors of Swiss Post leaked source code. This addresses the cases of unofficial diffusion of source code and unofficial criticsRead more
2019/03/29: Federal Chancellery official statement concerning the decision of Swiss Post to suspend their e-voting system after new vulnerabilities have been found during their Public Intrusion Test.Read more
2019/03/25: Public vulnerability report in the SwissPost e-voting system. Explanation and proof of the vulnerability. This is the second report showing vulnerabilities in this e-voting system by the security researchers team of Sarah Jamie Lewis, Vanessa Teague, and Olivier Pereira.
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Swiss Post official blog post refuting the rumors of their source code being "leaked" and summarizing their term of use and vulnerability disclosure policyRead more