
Summary of the Review of Electronic Voting Protocols, Models and Proofs

2017/05/24: results of audit (01-05.2017) of models and proofs of Swiss Post/Scytl's Electronic Voting Protocol. 

We summarize here our main conclusion: the proofs are conformant to requirements of the Bundeskanzlei (Chapter 5.1 ).

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Knights and Knaves Run Elections: Internet Voting and Undetectable Electoral Fraud (IEEE article)

2019/07/04: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers's article on the vulnerability found in the Swiss Post e-voting system, the security of e-voting systems and how to build a trustworthy e-voting system.

Reference: ...Read more

The Remote Voting Minefield: from North Carolina to Switzerland (Bryan Ford's blog post)

2019/02/22: Bryan Ford, cyber-info teacher at EPFL, give his opinion on the Swiss Post e-voting system: "alternative methods of remote voting may be even worse".

This blog post is a reformatted and lightly-edited version of this twitter thread : ...Read more

Vote électronique : le Conseil fédéral restructure la phase dʼessai et renonce pour lʼinstant à en faire un canal de vote ordinaire (Federal Chancellery communication)

2019/06/27: Swiss Federal Chancellery communication on the FederalConcil's decision to postpone the use of e-voting for the swiss elections and to adapt the general terms of the trial phaseRead more

A storm in a teacup (Swiss Post article)

2018/11/09: Swiss Post article by Kevin Chollet reacting to the disclosure of a flaw in the Geneva e-voting system.Read more

KPMG Zertificat : Prüfung der Infrastructur un des Betriebs für Systems zur elektronische Stimmabgabe

2017/06/27: KPMG Certificate : Audit of the infrastructure and operation of electronic voting systemsRead more

NSW Electoral Commission confirms iVote contains critical Scytl crypto defect (itnews article)

2019/03/13: itnews article on crypto defect in Scytl's iVote confirmed by the NSW Electoral Commission. This confirmation gets out only one day after researchers reveal that they found a trapdoor in the Swiss Post e-voting system built by Scytl.Read more

Preventing phishing attacks on e-voting (Swiss Post article)

2018/04/25: Swiss Post article by Christian Folini on pishing attacks and how to prevent them when using e-voting.Read more

Public Intrusion Test : Final Report (SCRT)

29/03/2019: final report providing information about the Public Intrusion Test (PIT) of Swiss Post’s e-voting system, as operated by SCRT on behalf of Swiss Federal Chancellery.Read more

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