
Analyzing the feasibility of the recently reported attacks to the Swiss e-voting system (Scytl's statement)

2019/03/13: Scytl's analysis of the feasibility of the vulnerabilities revealed in the Swiss Post e-voting system by security researchers. Scytl asserts that these vulnerabilities couldn't be exploited because "such attacks are highly unlikely – not to say impossible...Read more

E-Voting der Post lässt sich nicht schützen sagt Chaos Computer Club (nau.ch article)

2019/02/19: nau.ch article interviewing two experts of Chaos Cumputer Club on Swiss Post e-voting systemRead more

Erreur manifeste dans la solution de vote électronique développée par la Poste et Scytl. Quelles conséquences la Chancellerie fédérale en tire-t-elle? (Swiss Parliament Question)

2019/03/13: Balthasar Glättli, member of the Swiss National Council, submitted questions to the Federal Chancellery concerning the safety and the future of e-voting after a trapdoor was found in the system by security researchers 

The Federal Chancellery's answer was...Read more

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