
Verschlüsselte E-Mails sind nicht sicher (Süddeutsche article)

2018/05/14: Article on the EFAIL vulnerbilities concerning OpenPGP and S/MIME encrypted emailRead more

efail: Outdated Crypto Standards are to blame (Hanno's blog)

2018/05/22: Hanno Böck's thoughts and opinion about the EFAIL vulnerability, OpenPGP and S/MIME,Read more

Die wichtigsten Fakten zu Efail (Golem article)

2018/05/22: Article analyzing and answering questions linked to the EFAIL vulnerabilitiesRead more

Kommentar: Efail ist ein EFFail (Heise article)

2018/5/16 - two days after the public disclosure, Heise published a commentary about the disclosure process.

PGP ist nicht kaputt. Wenn man allerdings große Teile der Berichterstattung über die Efail-Lücken verfolgt hat, könnte man zu diesem Schluss

...Read more
No, PGP is not broken, not even with the Efail vulnerabilities (Protonmail)

2018/05/15: Article going through why PGP isn't "broken" even though vulnerabilities have been found in it. 

Reaction to this article available here : https://cva.unifr.ch/content/no...Read more

Efail: Welche E-Mail-Clients sind wie sicher? (Heise article)

2018/05/23 an article published in Heise some days after EFAIL public disclosure. It discusses the status of some fixes in email clients.Read more

PGP und S/MIME: E-Mail-Verschlüsselung akut angreifbar (Heise Security article)

2018/05/14: Article on the EFAIL vulnerabilities concerning OpenPGP and S/MIME encrypted emailRead more

Efail: Breaking S/MIME and OpenPGP Email Encryption using Exfiltration Channels

EFAIL Usenix paper, released (in a draft version) on may 14, 2018 due to embargo break. It describes the EFAIL attacks (technique: malleability gadgets) to reveal plaintext of emails encrypted with S/MIME and OpenPGP.Read more

Was the Efail disclosure horribly screwed up? – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering (blog post)

2018/05/17: Matthew Green thoughts on the EFAIL vulnerabilities disclosure, its handling and the future of PGPRead more

#EFail - the security industry and the importance of nuance (HackDefense article)

2018(05/14: Article criticizing the handling of the EFAIL vulnerabilities disclosureRead more

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