ethical hacking

Borchers Detlef - Bankraub per Telefon (on BTX-Hack)
Retro 2018 / S. 66 / Heise Magazine : Detlef Borchers explains the BTX-Hack

1984 : Two members of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) hacked BTX, by stealing 135 000Marks. They wanted to prove...Read more

Böck - Der ungeklärte Btx-Hack

2014/11/18 in : Hanno Böck writes on the BTX-Hack. 

1984 : Two members of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) hacked BTX, by stealing 135 000Marks. They wanted to prove that the online service BTX, which had been in existence for a year at the time, was not sufficiently...Read more

Apple pays hackers six figures to find bugs in its software. Then it sits on their findings.

2021/09/09 (in the Washington Post) : Reed Albergotti explains why ethical hackers are fed up with Apple's bug bounty program. Main reasons among others are the lack of communication, the confusion about payments and the long delays.

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Die Hacker Bibel - Chaos Computer Club (Second Edition : Das neue Testament)

1988 : The Chaos Computer Club publishes their second edition of their book Die Hacker Bibel subtitled "Das neue Testament". They explain who are the hackers, how they hack and why. 

This artifact is part of the ...Read more

Forget Disclosure — Hackers Should Keep Security Holes to Themselves (WIRED Article)

2012/11/29 : Andrew Auernheimer explains what hackers can do with the vulnerabilities they discover. He add his opinion to not disclose such vulnerabilities to others. 

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Three iOS 0-days revealed by researcher frustrated with Apple’s bug bounty

2021/09/24 (in ArsTechnica) : Ethical hackers are fed up with the inefficiency of Apple's bug bounty program. This is how three iOS 0-days were revealed by researcher frustrated. Jim Salter explains the situation.

This artifact is part of the ...Read more

Die Hacker Bibel - Chaos Computer Club (First Edition : Kabelsalat ist gesund)

1985 : The Chaos Computer Club publishes the book Die Hacker Bibel. Kabelsalat ist gesund, explaining who are the hackers, how they hack and why. 

This artifact is part of the BTX-Hack BundleRead more

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