full disclosure

A Call for Better Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (Microsoft and Google Project Zero)

2015/01/11 : Microsoft made a call for better coordinated vulnerability disclosure after that "Google has released information about a vulnerability in a Microsoft product, two days before [their] planned fix on [their] well known and coordinated Patch Tuesday cadence, despite [their]...Read more

Full Disclosure works, here's proof - Bugtraq archives

1994/12/01 : Christopher Klaus describes a proof of Bugtraq efficiency.

This artifact is part of the Bugtraq BundleRead more

Schneier - Crypto-Gram March 15, 2002

2002/03/15 : Schneier published his monthly newsletter.
Schneier gives this time a summary of the vulnerabilitiy disclosure actual issues.

"The history of the vulnerability's discovery and publication is an interesting story, and illustrates the...Read more

Schneier - Crypto-Gram February 15, 2003

2003/02/15 : Schneier published his monthly newsletter.
He talks this time on Locksmiths.

"This position ignores the fact that public scrutiny is the only reliable way to improve security....Read more

Cryptographic platform PolyNetwork rewards hackers who stole $ 610 million with a $ 500,000 bug bounty

2021/08/21 : Isabella Khadem-Hosseini explains how "Cryptographic platform PolyNetwork thanks “ethical” hackers who steal $ 610 million and reward him with a $ 500,000 “bug bounty” after most of the money has been...Read more

Script Kiddiez Suck: V2.0 (Ranum on his keynote)

2000 : Here is a slide presented by Ranum on a CSI Conference in Chicago. He talks about his keynote and go farther.

This artifact is part of the Bundle Ranum Keynote Debate.Read more

Ant-Sec - We are going to terminate Hackforums.net and Milw0rm.com - New Apache 0-day exploit uncovered

1998-1999 : Birth of the anti-Sec movement.

"We are the Ant-Sec movement, and we are dedicated to eradicating full-disclosure of vulnerabilities and exploits and free discussion on hacking related topics."

This artifact is part of the ...Read more


1999/11 : Marcus Ranum and Jeremy Rausch wrote both on this special issue on Security. Did Jeremy Rausch wrote to respond  to Ranum’s article? The two article side-by-bside seems an editorial choice, was it an order of the journal ?

Between 1999...Read more

Security Through Obscurity Considered Dangerous - Bellovin and Bush

2002/02/28 : Steven M. Bellovin and Randy Bush shows the utility of obscurity and open discussions on vulnerabilities. Read more

Software Vulnerabilities: Full-, Responsible-, and Non-Disclosure - (Cencini, Yu and Chan publication)

2005/12/07 : Andrew Cencini, Kevin Yu, Tony Chan write upon the different choices of vulnerability disclosures.

"When a software vulnerability is discovered by a third party, the complex question of who, what...Read more

Microsoft's Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure, The New Non-Issue

2001/11/10 : Jericho writes upon the full disclosure debate. 

This artifact is part of the Culp debate Bundle.Read more

Interview with Elias Levy (Bugtraq)

2000/10 : Interview with Elias Levy (Bugtraq). He explains his opinion on full disclosure. 

"Corporations only purpose is to generate money. Software vendors will only "take security seriously" when their customers do. Until then they have no incentive to...Read more

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