limited public disclosure

Schneier - Crypto-Gram November 15, 2001

2001/11/15 : Schneier published his monthly newsletter.
He talks about Cert/CC creation and reacts here on Culp essay

"[Culp] claimed that we'd all be a lot safer if researchers would keep details about vulnerabilities to themselves, and stop arming...Read more

Security in an Open Electronic Society - Levy reaction on Culp essay

2001/10/21 : Levy gives his point of view on Culp essay : "It appears Culp is more comfortable with an 'information dictatorship' or 'information oligarchy' model, and has entirely missed the fact that the movie house ...Read more

Microsoft Reveals Anti-Disclosure Plan (Poulsen paper)

2001/11/09 : One month after Culp article, future OIS (Organization for Internet Safety) was announced. Kevin Poulsen analysed what was happening. 

"Microsoft and five major computer security companies rounded up the three-day Trusted Computing...Read more

Fortinet slams Rapid7 for disclosing vulnerability before end of their 90-day window

2021/08/12 : "A dispute broke out on Tuesday after cybersecurity company Rapid7 released a report about a vulnerability in a Fortinet product before the company had time to release a patch addressing the issue."Read more

MS says stop discussing hack exploits - Leyden paper

2001/10/18 : Leyden explains Culp essay.

This artifact is part of the Culp debate Bundle.Read more

Schneier - Crypto-Gram March 15, 2002

2002/03/15 : Schneier published his monthly newsletter.
Schneier gives this time a summary of the vulnerabilitiy disclosure actual issues.

"The history of the vulnerability's discovery and publication is an interesting story, and illustrates the...Read more

Guidelines for Security Vulnerability Reporting and Response (Version 2.0) - OIS

2004/09/01 : "This document provides a reference process embodying best practices associated with one such model, which is characterized by close collaboration in good faith between the person or organization who identifies a vulnerability and the person or organization responsible...Read more

Full Disclosure of Vulnerabilities – pros/cons and fake arguments (Vidstrom paper)

2002/04/08 : Arne Vidstrom points a list of the pros, cons and fake arguments on full disclosure of vulnerabilities.

This artifact is part of the Culp debate Bundle.Read more

ACM: Digital Library: Computers and Society - Bollinger paper

2004/12 : Jeff Bollinger explains his point of view in the vulnerability disclosure debate.

"To effect the optimal result of 'greatest good', each player in the disclosure process must agree and co-ordinate to achieve the greatest return, and lowest damages." (p.14)

This artifact...Read more

NEOHAPSIS - LeBlanc reaction on Culp essay

2001/11/02 : David LeBlanc, founding member of the Trustworthy Computing Initiative at Microsoft, defend Culp. 

"So a vendor who won't fix bugs unless their customers are threatened with active attack is a very different problem than one who fixes problems...Read more

MS to force IT-security censorship (Greene paper)

2001/11/02 : On this paper, Thomas C. Greene expresses his opinion against Microsoft's way of handling vulnerability disclosure.

"We all know how Microsoft likes to bully its many 'partners', so it comes as no surprise that the Beast has decided to apply its...Read more

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