PEP Stiftungsurkunde

2015/10/16: Zürich's Certificate of the foundation of the "PEP Stiftung" (PEP Foundation)Read more

Interview of Hernâni Marques : Privatsphäre ohne Zutun (Heise magazine article)

2018: Interview of the activist Hernâni Marques about the project "pretty easy privacy" (PEP)Read more

ISOC-CH awarded Beyond the Net grant to work on privacy (Press release)

2017/06/03: Internet Society Switzerland Chapter's press release announcing their project on privacy via mass encryption got selected for funding in the Beyond the Net programme of Internet SocietyRead more

Enigmail verschickt Krypto-Mails im Klartext (heise security article)

2018/10/03: Heise security article on the Enigmail bug under WindowsRead more

ENIGMAIL/P≡P: Current release for Windows is faulty (Blog post)

2018/10/03: PEP foundation blog post on Enigmail/p≡p faulty update for Windows and updates about the solutionsRead more

ENIGMAIL/P≡P: current update 1.0.24 fixes bug under Windows

2018/10/12: PEP foundation's blog post on the Enigmail's bug under Windows, its solution, the background, the extent of the damage and error avoidanceRead more

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