PEP Stiftungsurkunde

2015/10/16: Zürich's Certificate of the foundation of the "PEP Stiftung" (PEP Foundation)Read more

Interview of Hernâni Marques : Privatsphäre ohne Zutun (Heise magazine article)

2018: Interview of the activist Hernâni Marques about the project "pretty easy privacy" (PEP)Read more

Enigmail verschickt Krypto-Mails im Klartext (heise security article)

2018/10/03: Heise security article on the Enigmail bug under WindowsRead more

ENIGMAIL/P≡P: Current release for Windows is faulty (Blog post)

2018/10/03: PEP foundation blog post on Enigmail/p≡p faulty update for Windows and updates about the solutionsRead more

ISOC-CH awarded Beyond the Net grant to work on privacy (Press release)

2017/06/03: Internet Society Switzerland Chapter's press release announcing their project on privacy via mass encryption got selected for funding in the Beyond the Net programme of Internet SocietyRead more

ENIGMAIL/P≡P: current update 1.0.24 fixes bug under Windows

2018/10/12: PEP foundation's blog post on the Enigmail's bug under Windows, its solution, the background, the extent of the damage and error avoidanceRead more

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