2001/09/28 : Here is a Rain Forest Puppy interview done by Kim Zetter about the RFPolicy.
In June 2000, the hacker Rain Forest Puppy published his RFPolicy. The policy is known as the first attempt to formalize the complex issue of disclosure to the vendor or maintainer....Read more
2007/05/08 : Here is a Rain Forest Puppy interview done by Antonio Parata.
In June 2000, the hacker Rain Forest Puppy published his RFPolicy. The policy is known as the first attempt to formalize the complex issue of disclosure to the vendor or maintainer.
This...Read more
2002/02/19 : Patrick Gray explains RFPolicy birth.
In June 2000, the hacker Rain Forest Puppy published his RFPolicy. The policy is known as the first attempt to formalize the complex issue of disclosure to the vendor or maintainer.
This artefact is part of the...Read more