
What a second flaw in Switzerland's sVote means for NSW's iVote (Pursuit article)

2019/03/25: Pursuit, University of Melbourne, article by Vanessa Teague. The article reacts to the new vulnerability report in the Swiss Post e-voting system and what it means for iVote in New South Wales.Read more

Researchers Find Critical Backdoor in Swiss Online Voting System (Motherboard article)

2019/03/12: Motherboard article about critics concerning Swiss Post e-voting systemRead more

E-voting intrusion test: Swiss Post bug bounty moderator tallies submissions (The Daily Swig article)

2019/09/11: The Daily Swig article summarizes the event around Swiss Post e-voting PIT and the vulnerability reports made outside of the official PIT by Sarah Jamie Lewis, Vanessa Teague, and Olivier Pereira.

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Statement on recent comments regarding the source code publication of the Swiss e-voting system

2019/02/22: Scytl statement concerning rumors of Swiss Post leaked source code. This addresses the cases of unofficial diffusion of source code and unofficial criticsRead more

Swiss Post puts e-voting on hold after researchers uncover critical security errors

2019/04/05: The Daily Swig article reviewing the controversies surrounding the Swiss Post public intrusion test for their e-voting systemRead more

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