2014/08/15 : Thu T. writes on Dan Geer keynote at the Black Hat Conference of 2014.
This artifact is part of the Geer keynote Bundle.Read more
2007/03/26 : Ryan Naraine writes about the PWN to OWN contest.
"At this year's CanSecWest 2007 conference in Vancouver, BC, a "PWN to OWN" contest will pit security researchers against a MacBook Pro in an experiment to see how well a default Mac OS X install can survive...Read more
2014/08/06 : Here is the transcription of Dan Geer keynote at the Black Hat Conference of 2014. He explains how vulnerability research should now be recognized as a job and not a hobby anymore. It must be paid.
This artifact is part of the ...Read more
2021/04/15 : This Policy and Disclosure 2021 Edition shows what modifications Projet Zero have done for 2021 and why, regarding vulnerability disclosure policies and their consequences for users, vendors, fellow security researchers, and software security norms...Read more
2019/07/31 : Here is the Project Zero FAQ.
This artifact is part of the Google Project Zero Bundle.Read more
2009/03/23 : Dennis Fisher highlights the end of free vulnerability disclosure.
"It appears that the free ride is over for software vendors."Read more