security vulnerability

efail: Outdated Crypto Standards are to blame (Hanno's blog)

2018/05/22: Hanno Böck's thoughts and opinion about the EFAIL vulnerability, OpenPGP and S/MIME,Read more

SigSpoof: Spoofing signatures in GnuPG, Enigmail, GPGTools and python-gnupg (NeoPG blog post)

2018/06/13: Blog post on the "SigSpoof". Marcus Brinkmann found this vulnerability that allows spoofing “signed” messages that are not actually signed. This post proves the vulnerability and shows the medias' reactionsRead more

Critical Flaws in PGP and S/MIME Tools Can Reveal Encrypted Emails in Plaintext (TheHackerNews article)

2018/05/14: Article on the EFAIL vulnerbilities concerning OpenPGP and S/MIME encrypted emailRead more

Knights and Knaves Run Elections: Internet Voting and Undetectable Electoral Fraud (IEEE article)

2019/07/04: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers's article on the vulnerability found in the Swiss Post e-voting system, the security of e-voting systems and how to build a trustworthy e-voting system.

Reference: ...Read more

New finding in the source code (Swiss Post article)

2019/03/25: Swiss Post article reacting to the second vulnerability report in its e-voting system. Report: more

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