Swiss Post

Scytl sVote Audit of the process with Control Components

Official document of Scytl sVote : Audit of the process with Control ComponentsRead more

Swiss Post to focus solely on new system with universal verifiability (Swiss Post press release)

2019/07/05: Swiss Post official press release announcing their decision to stop offering their previous e-voting system and to focus on developing a new one wit universal verifiability that should be ready for trial from 2020. Read more

Final report Public intrusion test (PIT) (Swiss Post)

2019/06/25: Swiss Post Final report on their Public Intrusion Test for its e-voting system with universal verifiability.Read more

Postschiff Enterprise (Republik article)

2019/02/15: Republik article on the Swiss Post e-voting system and bug bountyRead more

Prise de position sur la modification de la Loi fédérale sur les droits politiques (passage à la mise en exploitation du vote électronique) ICT Switzerland

2019/04/15: ICT Switzerland's statement on the amendment of the Federal Act on Political Rights (transition to the use of electronic voting). ICT Switzerland's opposes the transition to e-voting into regular operation and argues for more testing. Read more

People must weigh up the risks of e-voting (Swiss Post article)

2017/12/01: Swiss Post article by Stefan Friedli. The cyber-security specialist comes back on the parliamentary motion to submit e-voting to a public intrusion system and why this is not enough to assure the system's securityRead more

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