vendor-researcher relationship

Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Reloaded (Microsoft)

2011/04/19 : Microsoft reloaded its Coordinate Vulnerability Disclosure.

This artifact is part of the Microsoft Vulnerability Disclosure Bundle.Read more

It's time to be responsible (Morgenstern, Parker and Hardy paper)

2002/03/01 : Michael Morgenstern, Tom Parker and Scott Hardy write about vulnerability disclosure debate occuring since one year. They assume "it's time to be responsible".

"Over the last 12 months various computer-using groups have been intensely debating the...Read more

Fortinet slams Rapid7 for disclosing vulnerability before end of their 90-day window

2021/08/12 : "A dispute broke out on Tuesday after cybersecurity company Rapid7 released a report about a vulnerability in a Fortinet product before the company had time to release a patch addressing the issue."Read more

Google 7-days disclosure

2013/05/29 : Google agreed for 7-days to fix critical vulnerabilities. 

"Based on our experience, however, we believe that more urgent action -- within 7 days -- is appropriate for critical vulnerabilities under active exploitation. The reason for this special designation is that...Read more

Threat Complexity Requires New Levels of Collaboration - Stone and Moussouris on the creation of MSVR

2008/08 : Microsoft create the Microsoft Vulnerability Research Program (MSVR).Read more

Security and IT Industry Leaders Form Organization for Internet Safety - Creation of OIS

2002/09/26 : "OIS [The Organization for Internet Safety] was formed to make it easier for security researchers and vendors to work together to fix security vulnerabilities. Today, there are no agreed-upon processes for handling security vulnerabilities." (see : ...Read more

Google Ups the Bug Bounty Ante to $3133.7 (Threat post)

2010/07/20 : Dennis Fisher writes on the new adjustment of the price of Google bug rewards.

This artifact is part of the Google Vulnerability Report Bundle.Read more

NEOHAPSIS - LeBlanc reaction on Culp essay

2001/11/02 : David LeBlanc, founding member of the Trustworthy Computing Initiative at Microsoft, defend Culp. 

"So a vendor who won't fix bugs unless their customers are threatened with active attack is a very different problem than one who fixes problems...Read more


2005 : "Part One of this paper explains the current state of computer (in)security and sets forth three ways to restrict publications followed by the most common arguments for and against. It then illustrates the popularity of security publication restrictions with an ...Read more

Peace of Mind Through Integrity and Insight - Manzuik reaction on Culp essay

2001/10/17 : "Code Red, Nimda and a few of the more recent worms were made possible not by the research that discovered the vulnerability they exploited but by the lack of awareness and training by system administrators who did not patch their systems." (p.1-2)

This artifact is part of...Read more

Toward the development of industry standards for security vulnerability handling - OIS objectives

Here is a presentation on objectives, the way of reporting and addressing vulnerabilities, security tools, and proposed organizational framework by OIS.

This artifact is part of the OIS Bundle.Read more

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