vulnerability disclosure policy

Full Disclosure of Vulnerabilities – pros/cons and fake arguments (Vidstrom paper)

2002/04/08 : Arne Vidstrom points a list of the pros, cons and fake arguments on full disclosure of vulnerabilities.

This artifact is part of the Culp debate Bundle.Read more

Threat Complexity Requires New Levels of Collaboration - Stone and Moussouris on the creation of MSVR

2008/08 : Microsoft create the Microsoft Vulnerability Research Program (MSVR).Read more

Microsoft Reveals Anti-Disclosure Plan (Poulsen paper)

2001/11/09 : One month after Culp article, future OIS (Organization for Internet Safety) was announced. Kevin Poulsen analysed what was happening. 

"Microsoft and five major computer security companies rounded up the three-day Trusted Computing...Read more

Vulnerability Disclosure FAQ (Project Zero)

2019/07/31 : Here is the Project Zero FAQ. 

This artifact is part of the Google Project Zero Bundle.Read more

Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure Process - draft-christey-wysopal-vuln-disclosure-00.txt

2002/02 : IETF Draft by Steve Christey from MITRE and Chris Wysopal :

"During the process of disclosure, many vendors, security researchers, and other parties follow a variety of unwritten or informal guidelines for how they interact and share information. Some parties may be unaware of...Read more

No more free bugs for software vendors (Fisher paper)

2009/03/23 : Dennis Fisher highlights the end of free vulnerability disclosure.

"It appears that the free ride is over for software vendors."Read more

ENISA Report - Economics of Vulnerability Disclosure

2018/12 : ENISA (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity) release its Economics of Vulnerability Disclosure Report.

"Vulnerability disclosure refers to the process of identifying, reporting and patching weaknesses of software, hardware or services that can be exploited....Read more

'Responsible Disclosure' Draft Could Have Legal Muscle - Rasch on Christey and Wysopal draft

2002/03/11 : Rasch analyses Christey and Wysopal IETF Draft.

"The report articulates what many in the security industry have considered to be a reasonable method of reporting security vulnerabilities." (p.1) 

This artifact is part of the...Read more

Swiss Post terms, conditions and code of conduct Public Intrusion Test (PIT)

2019/02: Swiss Post official terms of use, conditions and code of conduct for their e-voting bug bounty programRead more

Guidelines for Security Vulnerability Reporting and Response (Version 2.0) - OIS

2004/09/01 : "This document provides a reference process embodying best practices associated with one such model, which is characterized by close collaboration in good faith between the person or organization who identifies a vulnerability and the person or organization responsible...Read more

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