vulnerability disclosure

US Vulnerabilities Equities Process (Fact Sheet)

2017/11/15 : "[T]he White House released a charter for the administration’s once-shadowy Vulnerabilities Equities Process (VEP)." (see : more

Anti security "policy" v0.9

Here is the explanation on the anti security policy regarding an anonymmous writter point of view. 
He says "This is my view and it does not fully speak for all the people -- that are involved in anti security and it is subject to heavy change."Read more

FIRST Vulnerability Coordination SIG

2014/06 : "The Industry Consortium for Advancement of Security on the Internet, ICASI, proposed to the FIRST Board of Directors that a Special Interest Group (SIG) be considered on Vulnerability Disclosure. After holding meetings at the FIRST Conferences in Boston in June 2014...Read more

Ant-Sec - We are going to terminate and - New Apache 0-day exploit uncovered

1998-1999 : Birth of the anti-Sec movement.

"We are the Ant-Sec movement, and we are dedicated to eradicating full-disclosure of vulnerabilities and exploits and free discussion on hacking related topics."

This artifact is part of the ...Read more

Mozilla Bumps Bug Bounty to $3,000

2010/07/16 : "In an effort to enlist more help finding bugs in its most popular software, such as Firefox, Thunderbird and Firefox Mobile, Mozilla is jacking up the bounty it pays to researchers who report security flaws to $3,000."Read more

Script Kiddiez Suck: V2.0 (Ranum on his keynote)

2000 : Here is a slide presented by Ranum on a CSI Conference in Chicago. He talks about his keynote and go farther.

This artifact is part of the Bundle Ranum Keynote Debate.Read more

ENISA Report - Economics of Vulnerability Disclosure

2018/12 : ENISA (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity) release its Economics of Vulnerability Disclosure Report.

"Vulnerability disclosure refers to the process of identifying, reporting and patching weaknesses of software, hardware or services that can be exploited....Read more

Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure Process - draft-christey-wysopal-vuln-disclosure-00.txt

2002/02 : IETF Draft by Steve Christey from MITRE and Chris Wysopal :

"During the process of disclosure, many vendors, security researchers, and other parties follow a variety of unwritten or informal guidelines for how they interact and share information. Some parties may be unaware of...Read more

Böck - Der ungeklärte Btx-Hack

2014/11/18 in : Hanno Böck writes on the BTX-Hack. 

1984 : Two members of the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) hacked BTX, by stealing 135 000Marks. They wanted to prove that the online service BTX, which had been in existence for a year at the time, was not sufficiently...Read more

FIRST Guidelines and Practices for Multi-Party Vulnerability Coordination and Disclosure

2017 : FIRST release their Guidelines and Practices for Multi-Party Vulnerability Coordination and Disclosure.
"The purpose of this document is to assist in improving multi-party vulnerability coordination across different stakeholder communities."

This artifact is...Read more

The 2020 Hacker report (HackerOne)

Here is "the survey and statistics of the ethical hacker community" for the year of 2020.

This artifact is part of the HackerOne Reports and Guidelines Bundle.Read more

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