Black Hat Conference

HP, Bug-Hunters Declare Truce (PC World paper)

2002/08/09 : Kim Zetter writes upon the story behind SnoSoft's pitch, the extortion charges, and the DMCA threat.

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Ranum Keynote Slides (Black Hat Conference 2000)

2000/07/26 : Here are the slides of Ranum keynote at the US Black Hat conference.

Between 1999 and the mid 2000s, Ranum developed his critique of full disclosure, and he presented it as the keynote speech of the US...Read more

Black Hat 2000 - Ranum and Granick VS Rausch and Amhed

April 2000, at the Black Hat Conference (Singapour) took place a debate with Ranum and Granick against Rausch and Amhed.Read more
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