bug bounty

The beginner's Guide to Bug Bounty programs (HackerOne)

2019/12/02 : HackerOne explains all a hacker needs to know about bug bounties programs when he wants to get involved into it.

This artifact is part of the HackerOne Reports and Guidelines Bundle.Read more

Système de vote électronique de la Poste - Expériences et revers sur le chemin vers un système complètement fiable (La Poste presentation)

2019/04/15: Presentation by Denis Morel, public service digital responsible for La Poste, on the Swiss Poste e-voting system. Presentation given during the seminar on Legal Informatics in Macolin. Read more

Bug Bounty Programs Are Being Used to Buy Silence - Schneier Post

2020/04/03 : Bruce Schneier writes on the "Investigative report [by J.M. Porup] on how commercial bug-bounty programs like HackerOne, Bugcrowd, and SynAck are being used to silence researchers".

To read Porup report : ...Read more

Quarterly Vulnerability Challenge (iDefense Labs)

2006/10 : "iDefense Labs is [...] announce the launch of the next installment in [their] quarterly vulnerability challenge. For the 4th quarter, [they choosed to] focus on instant messaging (IM) based vulnerabilities."

This artifact is part...Read more

Test public d’intrusion. Fiche d’information du comité de gestion de la Confédération et des cantons

2019/02/25: Factsheet of the Management Committee of the Confederation and the CantonsRead more

VCP Reward Programs (iDefense)

2005/03 : "In an effort to reward long-term VCP contributors, iDEFENSE is launching a VCP Retention Program. This program will provide additional incentives to top contributors above and beyond the base compensation received for their submissions...Read more

'Drive It Like You Stole It': When Bug Bounties Went Boom (Part Three - Fisher paper)

2021/09/01 : Dennis Fisher writes a three-part series upon the evolution of bug bounties since they get birth.

Here is the third part, talking about how "during Barack...Read more

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