
Pour le développement d'un système de vote électronique en mains publiques au niveau national ou intercantonal (Swiss Parliament

2019/09/17: Initiative submitted by the Canton of Geneva : The Grand Council of the Republic and Canton of Geneva asks the Federal Assembly to legislate with a view to creating a structure bringing together the Confederation and the cantons, responsible for the development and operation of an...Read more

"Junge und Politik stecken in einer Beziehungskrise" (Swiss Info article)

2019/04/12: Swiss Info article with Hernâni Marques on youth and politics, and his criticisms toward Swiss Post e-voting system.Read more

Post im Gespräch mit Kantonen über E-voting-System (Swiss Info article)

2019/08/23: Swiss Info article on the discussion happening between Swiss Post and Cantons to work on their e-voting system.Read more

Verordnung der BK über die elektronische Stimmabgabe

2018/05/30: Ordinance of the Federal Chancellery on electronic votingRead more

Analysis of the Cryptographic Implementation of the Swiss Post Voting Protocol

2019/07/19:  Analysis of the Cryptographic Implementation of the Swiss Post Voting Protocol by Berner Fachhochschule on behalf of the Swiss Federal ChancelleryRead more

Glossaire sur le vote électronique (Swiss Federal Chancellery)

2019/06 : Glossary on e-voting by the Swiss Federal ChancelleryRead more

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