digital ethnography

Airoldi (2018) Ethnography and the digital fields of social media

"Qualitative researchers struggle to study the transient fields of social network sites like Twitter through conventional ethnographic approaches. This paper suggests that, in order to step further, we should distinguish between the relatively stable ‘contextual’ fields of bounded online...Read more

Beaulieu (2004) "Mediating ethnography: objectivity and the making of ethnographies of the internet"

"[...] questions of presence, field relations (including trust and confidentiality), and new possibilities for observation are especially prominently discussed. [...] I place these issues and dilemmas facing the researcher in the context of the intellectual tradition of ethnography as applied to...Read more

Akrich (2019) "Temporalité, régimes de participation et formes de communautés. Comprendre la dynamique d'un forum grand public autour du dépistage prénatal"

"Comment rendre compte de la dynamique des échanges sur un forum ? Comment analyser la transformation dans le temps de cet espace ? De quelle manière en caractériser l’organisation ?"Read more

Abidin (2016) ""Aren't These Just Young Rich Women Doing Vain Things Online?": Influencer Selfies as Subversive Frivolity"

[This article examines] Influencers’ engagements with selfies on Instagram and their appropriations of selfies as salable objects, as tacit labor, and as an expression of contrived authenticity and reflexivity.[...]" Read more

Hine (2004) "Social Research Methods and the Internet: A Thematic Review"

Collection of articles related to Social Research Methods and accompanied by a critical introduction/review by Christine HineRead more

Digital Ethnography. References list

References list on the topic of (digital) ethnography. Seminars@Unibas + Unifr 2017 by David BozziniRead more

Postill (2015) "Digital ethnography: ‘being there’ physically, remotely, virtually and imaginatively"

On the growing importance of digital ethnography in anthropology studies. 

Relying solely on physically co-present, non-digital fieldwork, or solely on telematics is still theoretically possible, but in most research settings it no longer makes sense to do so.Read more

Kelty (2008) "Collaboration, Coordination, and Composition: Fieldwork after the Internet"

"[...]this chapter touches three issues: 1) it responds to some of the issues raised by Fabian concerning the status of eth- nographic materials and data, and of commentary as a “genre” of ethnographic writing after the Internet; 2) it distinguishes conceptually the practices of coordi-...Read more

Boyd (2014) "It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens"

danah boyd uncovers some of the major myths regarding teens' use of social media. She explores tropes about identity, privacy, safety, danger, and bullying.Read more

Cointet, Parasie (2019) "Enquêter à partir des traces textuelles du web"

"L’essor du web et des réseaux sociaux offre aux chercheurs en sciences sociales un volume considérable de textes [...] Combinés au développement d’outils informatiques, ces matériaux sont à l’origine d’une promesse qui a été formulée à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur des sciences...Read more

Abidin (2018) "Private Messages from the Field: Confessions on Digital Ethnography and Its Discomforts"

Blog post by Crystal Abidin from her series "Private Messages from the Field" with Gabriele de Seta. This post features an introduction and backstory to this colelction of essays.

Here’s a first confession about ethnographic work: All professional things have personal

...Read more
Locatelli (2017) "Images of Breastfeeding on Instagram: Self-Representaion, Publicness, and Privacy Management"

[...] Instagram appears, then, as a platform where personal choices and beliefs can flow into public discourse and a place for investigating how public discourses and social and cultural issues (such as breastfeeding promotion and representation) shape the way that breastfeeding is lived...Read more

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