
Test public d’intrusion. Fiche d’information du comité de gestion de la Confédération et des cantons

2019/02/25: Factsheet of the Management Committee of the Confederation and the CantonsRead more

KPMG Zertificat : Prüfung der Infrastructur un des Betriebs für Systems zur elektronische Stimmabgabe

2017/06/27: KPMG Certificate : Audit of the infrastructure and operation of electronic voting systemsRead more

A storm in a teacup (Swiss Post article)

2018/11/09: Swiss Post article by Kevin Chollet reacting to the disclosure of a flaw in the Geneva e-voting system.Read more

Trapdoor commitments in the SwissPost e-voting shuffle proof

2019/03/12 : Report of researchers who found a vulnerability in the SwissPost e-voting shuffle. The trapdoor commitment scheme allows an undetectable vote manipulation.

Full version hereRead more

Some analysis of sVote, the Swiss Post/Scytl Internet Voting Protocol and some of the implications for New South Wales, Australia

2019/08: Presentation by Vanessa Teague on her work with Sarah Jamie Lewis and Olivier Pereira on sVote, the Swiss Post/Scytl Internet Voting Protocol and some of the implications for New South Wales, AustraliaRead more

Ballot box not hacked, errors in the source code – Swiss Post temporarily suspends its e-voting system

2019/03/29 : Swiss Post official press release on their decision to put on hold their e-voting system due to the recent disclosure of vulnerabilities in their source code. Followed by facts and figures on the public intrusion test on the e-voting system.Read more

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