
The four problems with the US government's latest rulebook on security bug disclosures (The Register)

2017/11/15 :  Kieren McCarthy analyses the creation of the VEP (Vulnerability Equities Process). 

"The United States government has published its new policy for publicly disclosing vulnerabilities and...Read more

Exigences techniques et administratives applicables au vote électronique (Annexe OVotE)

2018/07/01: Technical and administrative requirements for electronic voting (OVotE annex)Read more

Post im Gespräch mit Kantonen über E-voting-System (Swiss Info article)

2019/08/23: Swiss Info article on the discussion happening between Swiss Post and Cantons to work on their e-voting system.Read more

Vote électronique : le Conseil fédéral restructure la phase dʼessai et renonce pour lʼinstant à en faire un canal de vote ordinaire (Federal Chancellery communication)

2019/06/27: Swiss Federal Chancellery communication on the FederalConcil's decision to postpone the use of e-voting for the swiss elections and to adapt the general terms of the trial phaseRead more

Vote électronique. Exigences fixées par la Confédération et des cantons pour les tests d’intrusion publics

2018/10/29: Electronic Voting. Requirements set by the Confederation and cantons for public intrusion testsRead more

Test Public d'Intrusion. Fiche dinformation de la Chancellerie Fédérale

2019/02/25: Federal Chancellery's Factsheet on the Public Intrusion Test for Swiss Post's e-voting systemRead more

Federal Chancellery to review evoting

2019/03/29: Federal Chancellery official statement concerning the decision of Swiss Post to suspend their e-voting system after new vulnerabilities have been found during their Public Intrusion Test.Read more

'Drive It Like You Stole It': When Bug Bounties Went Boom (Part Three - Fisher paper)

2021/09/01 : Dennis Fisher writes a three-part series upon the evolution of bug bounties since they get birth.

Here is the third part, talking about how "during Barack...Read more

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