2018/05/14: Heise Security article explaining how EFAIL worksRead more
The aim of this article is very clear right from the start: to convince the readers not to use PGP. The first paragraph set the pace:
Cryptography engineers have been tearing their hair out over PGP's de ciencies for (literally) decades.
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2018/05/22: Article analyzing and answering questions linked to the EFAIL vulnerabilitiesRead more
2018/10/03: Heise security article on the Enigmail bug under WindowsRead more
2018/05/16: Article criticizing the handling of the EFAIL vulnerabilities disclosureRead more
2018/5/16 - two days after the public disclosure, Heise published a commentary about the disclosure process.
PGP ist nicht kaputt. Wenn man allerdings große Teile der Berichterstattung über die Efail-Lücken verfolgt hat, könnte man zu diesem Schluss
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10 years after its release, Philip Zimmermann remembered why he wrote PGP and published it on the Internet as a free and open source software program in June 1991.Read more
2018/05/15: Article going through why PGP isn't "broken" even though vulnerabilities have been found in it.
Reaction to this article available here : https://cva.unifr.ch/content/no...Read more
2018/10/12: PEP foundation's blog post on the Enigmail's bug under Windows, its solution, the background, the extent of the damage and error avoidanceRead more