EFF : Attention PGP Users New Vulnerabilities Require You To Take Action Now (EFF article)

2018/05/14: EFF statement regarding the newly disclosed vulnerabilities affecting PGP and S/MIME usersRead more

Efail: Welche E-Mail-Clients sind wie sicher? (Heise article)

2018/05/23 an article published in Heise some days after EFAIL public disclosure. It discusses the status of some fixes in email clients.Read more

By tracking versions? Example with PGP

This history is a very detailed and focused one and I really love the way most information is documented with links. It is a very useful source of primary and secondary documents...Read more

6/12/2016 - Filippo Valsorda: "I'm giving up on PGP"


Filippo Valsorda's post on the reasons why he decided to dive up on PGP. Among these reasons, we find the lack of people actually using PGP, the usability of the software programs, and, above all, the security of the long term key.
[QUotation style:] "The more
...Read more
PGP und S/MIME abschalten (Golem article)

2018/05/14: Article on the disclosed vulnerabilities in OpenPGP and S/MIMERead more

ISOC-CH awarded Beyond the Net grant to work on privacy (Press release)

2017/06/03: Internet Society Switzerland Chapter's press release announcing their project on privacy via mass encryption got selected for funding in the Beyond the Net programme of Internet SocietyRead more

GnuPG Flaw in Encryption Tools Lets Attackers Spoof Anyone's Signature (The Hacker News article)

2018/06/15: Article about the SigSpoof vulnerability which makes it possible for attackers to fake digital signaturesRead more

Interview of Hernâni Marques : Privatsphäre ohne Zutun (Heise magazine article)

2018: Interview of the activist Hernâni Marques about the project "pretty easy privacy" (PEP)Read more

HTML MAils have no Security Concept and are to blame (Hanno's blog)

2018/06: Hanno Böck's toughts and opinions on HTML mails and its roles in the EFAIL vulnerabilitiyRead more

No, PGP is not broken, not even with the Efail vulnerabilities (Protonmail)

2018/05/15: Article going through why PGP isn't "broken" even though vulnerabilities have been found in it. 

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