2018/05/14: Newsweek article about EFAIL disclosure.
This article is interesting as it makes the link between the EFAIL disclosure and the emblematic figure of digital rights activist Edward Snowden:
PGP, which is used to scramble the content of sensitive messages and
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2018/05/22: Article analyzing and answering questions linked to the EFAIL vulnerabilitiesRead more
2018/10/03: PEP foundation blog post on Enigmail/p≡p faulty update for Windows and updates about the solutionsRead more
2019/01/04: Article on the developpement of Encryption by ThunderbirdRead more
01/2020: Here's a documented though critical history of PGP, with insightful links. Providing several consensual (or at least presented so) arguments and documents, the author argues that PGP is dead. However, the article ommits to mention that 2019 witnessed the emergence or fostering of...Read more
2018/06/15: Article about the SigSpoof vulnerability which makes it possible for attackers to fake digital signaturesRead more
2015/02/24: Moxie's criticisms about PGP, with a harsh conclusion:
In the 1990s, I was excited about the future, and I dreamed of a world where everyone would install GPG. Now I’m still excited about the future, but I dream of a
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2018/05/15: Article going through why PGP isn't "broken" even though vulnerabilities have been found in it.
Reaction to this article available here : https://cva.unifr.ch/content/no...Read more
2018/05/14: Article describing the EFAIL vulnerabilities concerning OpenPGP and S/MIME encrypted emailRead more
10 years after its release, Philip Zimmermann remembered why he wrote PGP and published it on the Internet as a free and open source software program in June 1991.Read more