GPG And Me (Moxie blog post)

2015/02/24: Moxie's criticisms about PGP, with a harsh conclusion: 

In the 1990s, I was excited about the future, and I dreamed of a world where everyone would install GPG. Now I’m still excited about the future, but I dream of a

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PGP: Encryption Program Used by Edward Snowden 'Can Leak Secret Messages' (Newsweek article)

2018/05/14: Newsweek article about EFAIL disclosure.

This article is interesting as it makes the link between the EFAIL disclosure and the emblematic figure of digital rights activist Edward Snowden:

PGP, which is used to scramble the content of sensitive messages and

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SigSpoof: Spoofing signatures in GnuPG, Enigmail, GPGTools and python-gnupg (NeoPG blog post)

2018/06/13: Blog post on the "SigSpoof". Marcus Brinkmann found this vulnerability that allows spoofing “signed” messages that are not actually signed. This post proves the vulnerability and shows the medias' reactionsRead more

Interview of Hernâni Marques : Privatsphäre ohne Zutun (Heise magazine article)

2018: Interview of the activist Hernâni Marques about the project "pretty easy privacy" (PEP)Read more

6/12/2016 - Filippo Valsorda: "I'm giving up on PGP"


Filippo Valsorda's post on the reasons why he decided to dive up on PGP. Among these reasons, we find the lack of people actually using PGP, the usability of the software programs, and, above all, the security of the long term key.
[QUotation style:] "The more
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A trenchant summary of frequent criticisms towards PGP

The aim of this article is very clear right from the start: to convince the readers not to use PGP. To do so, the authors enumerate a long list of criticisms that are not new. Reading this offers...Read more

Encryption? This time it'll be usable, Thunderbird promises (The Register article)

2019/01/04: Article on the developpement of Encryption by ThunderbirdRead more

ISOC-CH awarded Beyond the Net grant to work on privacy (Press release)

2017/06/03: Internet Society Switzerland Chapter's press release announcing their project on privacy via mass encryption got selected for funding in the Beyond the Net programme of Internet SocietyRead more

An example with PGP on

N.B. I'm aware that the author's goal was very different from mine. The criticisms I will mention are more addressed to myself than to his work.

This history is an interesting one...Read more

No, PGP is not broken, not even with the Efail vulnerabilities (Protonmail)

2018/05/15: Article going through why PGP isn't "broken" even though vulnerabilities have been found in it. 

Reaction to this article available here : more

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