efail: Outdated Crypto Standards are to blame (Hanno's blog)

2018/05/22: Hanno Böck's thoughts and opinion about the EFAIL vulnerability, OpenPGP and S/MIME,Read more

What “Efail” Tells Us About Email Vulnerabilities and Disclosure (Lawfare article)

2018/05/24: Article on EFAIL vulnerability, email vulnerabilities and the patching of those vulnerabilities. It questions the safety of emails in generalRead more

Email Is Dangerous (The Atlantic article)

2018/05/21: Article on who is concerned by the EFAIL vulnerabilities and why email, in general, isn't securedRead more

ISOC-CH awarded Beyond the Net grant to work on privacy (Press release)

2017/06/03: Internet Society Switzerland Chapter's press release announcing their project on privacy via mass encryption got selected for funding in the Beyond the Net programme of Internet SocietyRead more

An example with PGP on

N.B. I'm aware that the author's goal was very different from mine. The criticisms I will mention are more addressed to myself than to his work.

This history is an interesting one...Read more

Encrypted Email Has a Major, Divisive Flaw (Wired article)

2018/05/14: Article on the story of the EFAIL vulnerabilities concerning OpenPGP and S/MIME encrypted emailRead more

How To Turn PGP Back On As Safely As Possible (EFF article)

2018/05/29: EFF recommendation for PGP users on how to react to the EFAIL vulnerabilities disclosureRead more

Why I Wrote PGP

10 years after its release, Philip Zimmermann remembered why he wrote PGP and published it on the Internet as a free and open source software program in June 1991.Read more

Critical PGP and S/MIME bugs can reveal encrypted emails—uninstall now (Ars Technica article)

2018/5/14: Screenshot of ARS TECHNICA article about EFAIL.

Given the track record of the researchers and the confirmation from EFF, it's worth heeding the advice to disable PGP and S/MIME in email clients while waiting for more details to be released

...Read more
Kommentar: Efail ist ein EFFail (Heise article)

2018/5/16 - two days after the public disclosure, Heise published a commentary about the disclosure process.

PGP ist nicht kaputt. Wenn man allerdings große Teile der Berichterstattung über die Efail-Lücken verfolgt hat, könnte man zu diesem Schluss

...Read more

A trenchant summary of frequent criticisms towards PGP

The aim of this article is very clear right from the start: to convince the readers not to use PGP. To do so, the authors enumerate a long list of criticisms that are not new. Reading this offers...Read more

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