responsible disclosure

WEIS Workshop (Berkeley university)

2002/05/16-17 : Workshop on Economics and Information Security (WEIS) took place at the Berkeley university. Researchers met to work on the question of "Do we spend enough [or too much] on keeping `hackers' out of our computer systems?". They speak of possible coordinated disclosure...Read more

A Step Towards Information Anarchy: A Call To Arms - hellNbak

2001 : Hellnbak proposes to enter the war against Culp's idea to "end information anarchy". Regarding to him, security should not be a question of calm business but more about safe and well-informed public.

This artifact is part of the ...Read more

Google 7-days disclosure

2013/05/29 : Google agreed for 7-days to fix critical vulnerabilities. 

"Based on our experience, however, we believe that more urgent action -- within 7 days -- is appropriate for critical vulnerabilities under active exploitation. The reason for this special designation is that...Read more

Toward the development of industry standards for security vulnerability handling - OIS objectives

Here is a presentation on objectives, the way of reporting and addressing vulnerabilities, security tools, and proposed organizational framework by OIS.

This artifact is part of the OIS Bundle.Read more

Black Hat 2000 - Ranum and Granick VS Rausch and Amhed

April 2000, at the Black Hat Conference (Singapour) took place a debate with Ranum and Granick against Rausch and Amhed.Read more
Hug a hacker, before they go underground (Sydney Morning Herald newspaper)

2002/02/19 : Patrick Gray explains RFPolicy birth.

In June 2000, the hacker Rain Forest Puppy published his RFPolicy. The policy is known as the first attempt to formalize the complex issue of disclosure to the vendor or maintainer.

This artefact is part of the...Read more

Interview with Rain Forest Puppy (by Parata)

2007/05/08 : Here is a Rain Forest Puppy interview done by Antonio Parata.

In June 2000, the hacker Rain Forest Puppy published his RFPolicy. The policy is known as the first attempt to formalize the complex issue of disclosure to the vendor or maintainer.

This...Read more

The CERT/CC Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

2000/10/09 : "Effective October 9, 2000, the CERT Coordination Center will follow a new policy with respect to the disclosure of vulnerability information."
Here are the information on the CERT/CC Vulnerability Disclosure Policy. 

This artefact is...Read more

Exploit Code on Trial (Poulsen paper)

2003/11/23 : "Security pros gathering at a Stanford University Law School conference on responsible vulnerability disclosure Saturday harmonized on the principle that vendors should be privately notified of holes in their products, and given at least some time to produce a patch before any...Read more

Nomad Mobile Research Centre (NMRC) - Announcement

1999 : NMRC [Nomad Mobile Research Center] published a bug disclosure policy stating they would first verify the vulnerabilities they found, before notifying the vendor. The public will be informed one month after the vendor in case of a 'very high priority...Read more

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