2001 : "A group of black-hat hackers, in a campaign called "Project Mayhem," have declared war on white-hat hackers who've gone to work for security firms."
The 'Project Mayhem' is the battle declaration of full-disclosure against anti-sec.Read more
1998-1999 : Birth of the anti-Sec movement.
"We are the Ant-Sec movement, and we are dedicated to eradicating full-disclosure of vulnerabilities and exploits and free discussion on hacking related topics."
This artifact is part of the ...Read more
2002/04/08 : Arne Vidstrom points a list of the pros, cons and fake arguments on full disclosure of vulnerabilities.
This artifact is part of the Culp debate Bundle.Read more
2020/05/18 : Jessica Haworth writes on FIRST updates guidelines for multi-party vulnerability disclosure.
This artifact is part of the FIRST Vulnerability Disclosure Bundle.Read more
Here is a presentation on objectives, the way of reporting and addressing vulnerabilities, security tools, and proposed organizational framework by OIS.
This artifact is part of the OIS Bundle.Read more
2018/05/17: Matthew Green thoughts on the EFAIL vulnerabilities disclosure, its handling and the future of PGPRead more
2000/10/09 : "Effective October 9, 2000, the CERT Coordination Center will follow a new policy with respect to the disclosure of vulnerability information."
Here are the information on the CERT/CC Vulnerability Disclosure Policy.
This artefact is...Read more
2002/03/01 : Michael Morgenstern, Tom Parker and Scott Hardy write about vulnerability disclosure debate occuring since one year. They assume "it's time to be responsible".
"Over the last 12 months various computer-using groups have been intensely debating the...Read more
2018/05/16: Article criticizing the handling of the EFAIL vulnerabilities disclosureRead more
2007/05/08 : Here is a Rain Forest Puppy interview done by Antonio Parata.
In June 2000, the hacker Rain Forest Puppy published his RFPolicy. The policy is known as the first attempt to formalize the complex issue of disclosure to the vendor or maintainer.
This...Read more