responsible disclosure

Black Hat 2000 - Ranum and Granick VS Rausch and Amhed

April 2000, at the Black Hat Conference (Singapour) took place a debate with Ranum and Granick against Rausch and Amhed.Read more
US Vulnerabilities Equities Process (Fact Sheet)

2017/11/15 : "[T]he White House released a charter for the administration’s once-shadowy Vulnerabilities Equities Process (VEP)." (see : more

Nomad Mobile Research Centre (NMRC) - Announcement

1999 : NMRC [Nomad Mobile Research Center] published a bug disclosure policy stating they would first verify the vulnerabilities they found, before notifying the vendor. The public will be informed one month after the vendor in case of a 'very high priority...Read more

White-Hat Hate Crimes on the Rise (Wired Paper)

2001 : "A group of black-hat hackers, in a campaign called "Project Mayhem," have declared war on white-hat hackers who've gone to work for security firms."
The 'Project Mayhem' is the battle declaration of full-disclosure against anti-sec.
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FIRST Guidelines and Practices for Multi-Party Vulnerability Coordination and Disclosure

2017 : FIRST release their Guidelines and Practices for Multi-Party Vulnerability Coordination and Disclosure.
"The purpose of this document is to assist in improving multi-party vulnerability coordination across different stakeholder communities."

This artifact is...Read more

What “Efail” Tells Us About Email Vulnerabilities and Disclosure (Lawfare article)

2018/05/24: Article on EFAIL vulnerability, email vulnerabilities and the patching of those vulnerabilities. It questions the safety of emails in generalRead more

AntiSecurity Presentation

Here is the presentation of the AntiSecurity movement. 

This artifact is part of the Anti-Sec movement Bundle.Read more

Silence the best security policy - Lemos on Ranum's keynote

2000/07/26 : Ranum beggan a big debate with his keynote speech of the US Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, in 2000. Robert Lemos is here commenting what happened.

This artifact is part of the Bundle ...Read more

Hug a hacker, before they go underground (Sydney Morning Herald newspaper)

2002/02/19 : Patrick Gray explains RFPolicy birth.

In June 2000, the hacker Rain Forest Puppy published his RFPolicy. The policy is known as the first attempt to formalize the complex issue of disclosure to the vendor or maintainer.

This artefact is part of the...Read more

FIRST updates guidelines for multi-party vulnerability disclosure (Haworth Paper)

2020/05/18 : Jessica Haworth writes on FIRST updates guidelines for multi-party vulnerability disclosure.

This artifact is part of the FIRST Vulnerability Disclosure Bundle.Read more

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