Ranum Keynote speech at the US Black Hat conference


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Contributed date

March 26, 2022 - 4:08pm

Critical Commentary

2000/07/26 : Between 1999 and the mid 2000s, Ranum developed his critique of full disclosure, and he presented it as the keynote speech of the US Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, in 2000.

“In fact, what we are doing today by releasing tools through the full disclosure mechanism, releasing tools and exploit information, is… we are creating hordes and hordes of script kiddies, right, these guys are like cockroaches. On one hand we are complaining about the fact that our dorms are infested with cockroaches yet in the other hand, we have diligent security analysts who are putting roach food down the hall, all the time. For some reason these two don’t add up.”

Watch the Keynote Speech "White Hat Track : Full Discloser and Open Source", by Marcus Ranum : 

Watch the questions and answers which followed the keynote : 

This artifact is part of the Bundle "Ranum Keynote Debate".


2000, US Black Hat conference in Las Vegas