vulnerability disclosure debate

Peace of Mind Through Integrity and Insight - Manzuik reaction on Culp essay

2001/10/17 : "Code Red, Nimda and a few of the more recent worms were made possible not by the research that discovered the vulnerability they exploited but by the lack of awareness and training by system administrators who did not patch their systems." (p.1-2)

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Three Minutes With Security Expert Bruce Schneier (PCWorld paper)

2001/09/28 : Kim Zetter interviews Bruce Schneier on his opinion about full disclosure.

This artifact is part of the Schneier publications Bundle.Read more

Culp - It's time to end information anarchy

2001/10 : Scott Culp, who founded MSRC (Microsoft Security Response Center), wrote an influential paper, after a series of attacks (virus and worms) from Feb to September 2001. At this time, the irritation against hackers and full disclosures was already calm since months.

Culp...Read more

Schneier - Crypto-Gram November 15, 2001

2001/11/15 : Schneier published his monthly newsletter.
He talks about Cert/CC creation and reacts here on Culp essay

"[Culp] claimed that we'd all be a lot safer if researchers would keep details about vulnerabilities to themselves, and stop arming...Read more

Silence the best security policy - Lemos on Ranum's keynote

2000/07/26 : Ranum beggan a big debate with his keynote speech of the US Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, in 2000. Robert Lemos is here commenting what happened.

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It's time to be responsible (Morgenstern, Parker and Hardy paper)

2002/03/01 : Michael Morgenstern, Tom Parker and Scott Hardy write about vulnerability disclosure debate occuring since one year. They assume "it's time to be responsible".

"Over the last 12 months various computer-using groups have been intensely debating the...Read more

Full Disclosure: How Much Security Info Is Too Much? (Lyman article)

2001/10/02 : Jay Lyman writes into the NewsFactor Network about full disclosure debate. 

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The realities of Disclosure : Morgenstern and Parker on Christey and Wysopal failure

2002/07/12 : Michael Morgenstern and Tom Parker point to the failure of Christey and Wysopal's willingness to put in place common measures for responsible disclosure.

"Unfortunately, Steve Christey and Chris Wysopol's RFC of February...Read more

Schneier - Crypto-Gram September 15, 2000

2000/09/15 :  Schneier published his monthly newsletter and explains here his opinion on full disclosure debate.

"What’s interesting is that everybody wants the same thing; they’re just disagreeing about the best way to get there.
When a security vulnerability exists in a...Read more

CERT to disclose software flaws - Lemos paper

2000/10/09 : Lemos give his point of view on vulnerability disclosure debate.
"While Ranum is well-known in the industry for his black-and-white views on disclosure, most security professionals fall into a grey area."

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1999/11 : Marcus Ranum and Jeremy Rausch wrote both on this special issue on Security. Did Jeremy Rausch wrote to respond  to Ranum’s article? The two article side-by-bside seems an editorial choice, was it an order of the journal ?

Between 1999...Read more

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