vulnerability disclosure debate

How do we define Responsible Disclosure? - Shepherd

2003/04/22 : Stephen A. Shepherd define what is responsible disclosure and make a summary of vulnerability disclosure history at this stage.Read more

Deconstructing the myths behind the full-disclosure debate (Shepherd paper)

2003/01/22 : Stephen A. Shepherd published in SANS a paper which had a big influence on vulnerability disclosure discussion. He defines responsible disclosure and recalls the key events on vulnerability disclosure debate. Read more

Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure Process - draft-christey-wysopal-vuln-disclosure-00.txt

2002/02 : IETF Draft by Steve Christey from MITRE and Chris Wysopal :

"During the process of disclosure, many vendors, security researchers, and other parties follow a variety of unwritten or informal guidelines for how they interact and share information. Some parties may be unaware of...Read more

Software Vulnerabilities: Full-, Responsible-, and Non-Disclosure - (Cencini, Yu and Chan publication)

2005/12/07 : Andrew Cencini, Kevin Yu, Tony Chan write upon the different choices of vulnerability disclosures.

"When a software vulnerability is discovered by a third party, the complex question of who, what...Read more

White-Hat Hate Crimes on the Rise (Wired Paper)

2001 : "A group of black-hat hackers, in a campaign called "Project Mayhem," have declared war on white-hat hackers who've gone to work for security firms."
The 'Project Mayhem' is the battle declaration of full-disclosure against anti-sec.
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Motives of Code Red Bug Hunters Questioned (PC World paper)

2001/09/07 : Kim Zetter explains how full disclosure debate starts again with the "Code Red's astonishing success".Read more

Full Disclosure: How Much Security Info Is Too Much? (Lyman article)

2001/10/02 : Jay Lyman writes into the NewsFactor Network about full disclosure debate. 

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Keeping Security Issues in the Open - Davies reaction on Culp essay

2001/10/26 : Davies gives his point of view on Clup essay : "He proposes a culture of secrecy, where the security professional should share his knowledge only with the software retailer or development group. This, he says, will "raise the bar" for those seeking to write destructive worms...Read more

Security Through Obscurity Considered Dangerous - Bellovin and Bush

2002/02/28 : Steven M. Bellovin and Randy Bush shows the utility of obscurity and open discussions on vulnerabilities. Read more

Schneier - Crypto-Gram September 15, 2000

2000/09/15 :  Schneier published his monthly newsletter and explains here his opinion on full disclosure debate.

"What’s interesting is that everybody wants the same thing; they’re just disagreeing about the best way to get there.
When a security vulnerability exists in a...Read more

CERT to disclose software flaws - Lemos paper

2000/10/09 : Lemos give his point of view on vulnerability disclosure debate.
"While Ranum is well-known in the industry for his black-and-white views on disclosure, most security professionals fall into a grey area."

This artefact is part of...Read more

Culp - It's time to end information anarchy

2001/10 : Scott Culp, who founded MSRC (Microsoft Security Response Center), wrote an influential paper, after a series of attacks (virus and worms) from Feb to September 2001. At this time, the irritation against hackers and full disclosures was already calm since months.

Culp...Read more

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