2001/11/15 : Schneier published his monthly newsletter.
He talks about Cert/CC creation and reacts here on Culp essay
"[Culp] claimed that we'd all be a lot safer if researchers would keep details about vulnerabilities to themselves, and stop arming...Read more
2001/11/02 : On this paper, Thomas C. Greene expresses his opinion against Microsoft's way of handling vulnerability disclosure.
"We all know how Microsoft likes to bully its many 'partners', so it comes as no surprise that the Beast has decided to apply its...Read more
2000/07/26 : Ranum beggan a big debate with his keynote speech of the US Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, in 2000. Here is Weld Pond answer to it.
This artifact is part of the Bundle...Read more
2000/07/26 : Ranum beggan a big debate with his keynote speech of the US Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, in 2000. Robert Lemos is here commenting what happened.
This artifact is part of the Bundle ...Read more
1999/11 : Marcus Ranum and Jeremy Rausch wrote both on this special issue on Security. Did Jeremy Rausch wrote to respond to Ranum’s article? The two article side-by-bside seems an editorial choice, was it an order of the journal ?
Between 1999...Read more
2020/04/03 : Bruce Schneier writes on the "Investigative report [by J.M. Porup] on how commercial bug-bounty programs like HackerOne, Bugcrowd, and SynAck are being used to silence researchers".
To read Porup report : ...Read more
2000 : Here is a slide presented by Ranum on a CSI Conference in Chicago. He talks about his keynote and go farther.
This artifact is part of the Bundle Ranum Keynote Debate.Read more
Here is the presentation of the AntiSecurity movement.
This artifact is part of the Anti-Sec movement Bundle.Read more
2000 : The authors explain their view pro full disclosure and its aim of educating people. They add their opinion on the bad sides of full disclosure.
"The only rational solution is to make the script kiddies responsible for their actions, as we do with all criminals...Read more
2003/01/22 : Stephen A. Shepherd published in SANS a paper which had a big influence on vulnerability disclosure discussion. He defines responsible disclosure and recalls the key events on vulnerability disclosure debate. Read more