black hat hackers

Apple AirTag Bug Enables ‘Good Samaritan’ Attack

2021/09/28 (Krebs on Security Paper) : "The new $30 AirTag tracking device from Apple has a feature that allows anyone who finds one of these...Read more

Anti-hacking method of full disclosure under attack from a part of the security industry - McClure and Scambray

2000 : The authors explain their view pro full disclosure and its aim of educating people. They add their opinion on the bad sides of full disclosure.
"The only rational solution is to make the script kiddies responsible for their actions, as we do with all criminals
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White-Hat Hate Crimes on the Rise (Wired Paper)

2001 : "A group of black-hat hackers, in a campaign called "Project Mayhem," have declared war on white-hat hackers who've gone to work for security firms."
The 'Project Mayhem' is the battle declaration of full-disclosure against anti-sec.
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