
Do security holes demand full disclosure? - Pond answer to Ranum's Keynote

2000/07/26 : Ranum beggan a big debate with his keynote speech of the US Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, in 2000. Here is Weld Pond answer to it.

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CERT to disclose software flaws - Lemos paper

2000/10/09 : Lemos give his point of view on vulnerability disclosure debate.
"While Ranum is well-known in the industry for his black-and-white views on disclosure, most security professionals fall into a grey area."

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Silence the best security policy - Lemos on Ranum's keynote

2000/07/26 : Ranum beggan a big debate with his keynote speech of the US Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, in 2000. Robert Lemos is here commenting what happened.

This artifact is part of the Bundle ...Read more

Script Kiddiez Suck: V2.0 (Ranum on his keynote)

2000 : Here is a slide presented by Ranum on a CSI Conference in Chicago. He talks about his keynote and go farther.

This artifact is part of the Bundle Ranum Keynote Debate.Read more

Ranum Keynote Slides (Black Hat Conference 2000)

2000/07/26 : Here are the slides of Ranum keynote at the US Black Hat conference.

Between 1999 and the mid 2000s, Ranum developed his critique of full disclosure, and he presented it as the keynote speech of the US...Read more

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