Swiss Post

Scytl sVote Audit of the process with Control Components

Official document of Scytl sVote : Audit of the process with Control ComponentsRead more

KPMG Zertificat : Prüfung des Schutzes gegen Versuche in die Infrastruktur einzudringen für Systems zur elektronische Stimmabgabe

2017/06/27: KPMG Certificat : Audit of protection against intrusions into the infrastructure for e-voting systemsRead more

Glossaire sur le vote électronique (Swiss Federal Chancellery)

2019/06 : Glossary on e-voting by the Swiss Federal ChancelleryRead more

E-voting intrusion test: Swiss Post bug bounty moderator tallies submissions (The Daily Swig article)

2019/09/11: The Daily Swig article summarizes the event around Swiss Post e-voting PIT and the vulnerability reports made outside of the official PIT by Sarah Jamie Lewis, Vanessa Teague, and Olivier Pereira.

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NSW Electoral Commission iVote and Swiss Post e-voting (NSW media release)

2019/03/12: NSW electoral commission confirms being aware of vulnerabilities found in Swiss Post e-voting system and affirms that it does not affect their use of iVote for the NSW State Election.Read more

Three cantons seek damages for failed e-voting system (Swiss Info article)

2019/07/08: Swiss Info article on the three swiss Cantons, Fribourg, Thurgau, and Neuchâtel, asking Swiss Post compensation for the shut down of its e-voting system. The three Canton had invested in the e-voting system before it was suspended.Read more

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