Swiss Post

People are in favour of e-voting – despite the safety concerns (Swiss Post article)

2017/11/27: Swiss Post article on a study conducted by the Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau (ZDA). The study about e-voting showed support amongst the public in favor of an e-voting system.Read more

How Not To Secure An Election (OP Presentation)

2019/10/17: Open Privacy Presentation given by Sarah Jamie Lewis retracing the timeline of events around the Swiss Post e-voting system bug bounty and vulnerability disclosures made by her teamRead more

Error in the source code discovered and rectified (Swiss Post press release)

2019/03/12: Swiss Post official press release reacting to the vulnerability found by security researchers during the public intrusion test on their e-voting system.Read more

Post im Gespräch mit Kantonen über E-voting-System (Swiss Info article)

2019/08/23: Swiss Info article on the discussion happening between Swiss Post and Cantons to work on their e-voting system.Read more

Vote électronique - Öffentlicher Intrusionstest 2019 : Schlussbericht des Steuerungsausschusses (Federal Chancellery)

08/2019: E-voting - Public Intrusion test 2019: Final report of the steering committee. System under test: Swiss Post e-voting system with universal verifiability Read more

La Chancellerie fédérale fait le point sur le vote électronique

2019/03/29: Swiss Federal Chancellery communication on e-voting in Switzerland regarding the vulnerability found in the Swiss Post e-voting system Read more

"Junge und Politik stecken in einer Beziehungskrise" (Swiss Info article)

2019/04/12: Swiss Info article with Hernâni Marques on youth and politics, and his criticisms toward Swiss Post e-voting system.Read more

Système de vote électronique de la Poste - Expériences et revers sur le chemin vers un système complètement fiable (La Poste presentation)

2019/04/15: Presentation by Denis Morel, public service digital responsible for La Poste, on the Swiss Poste e-voting system. Presentation given during the seminar on Legal Informatics in Macolin. Read more

Vote électronique. Un test public dʼintrusion aura lieu en février et en mars 2019 (Federal Chancellery communication)

2019/02/07: Swiss Federal Chancellery communication announcing the Public Intrusion Test to be launched by Swiss Post for its e-voting systemRead more

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