Swiss Post

Système de vote électronique de la Poste - Expériences et revers sur le chemin vers un système complètement fiable (La Poste presentation)

2019/04/15: Presentation by Denis Morel, public service digital responsible for La Poste, on the Swiss Poste e-voting system. Presentation given during the seminar on Legal Informatics in Macolin. Read more

Vote électronique - Öffentlicher Intrusionstest 2019 : Schlussbericht des Steuerungsausschusses (Federal Chancellery)

08/2019: E-voting - Public Intrusion test 2019: Final report of the steering committee. System under test: Swiss Post e-voting system with universal verifiability Read more

How Not To Secure An Election (OP Presentation)

2019/10/17: Open Privacy Presentation given by Sarah Jamie Lewis retracing the timeline of events around the Swiss Post e-voting system bug bounty and vulnerability disclosures made by her teamRead more

Scytl sVote Software Architecture description

2018 : Official document describing Scytle sVote Software ArchitectureRead more

KPMG Zertificat : Prüfung der Infrastructur un des Betriebs für Systems zur elektronische Stimmabgabe

2017/06/27: KPMG Certificate : Audit of the infrastructure and operation of electronic voting systemsRead more

Researchers Find Critical Backdoor in Swiss Online Voting System (Motherboard article)

2019/03/12: Motherboard article about critics concerning Swiss Post e-voting systemRead more

NSW Electoral Commission iVote and Swiss Post e-voting (NSW media release)

2019/03/12: NSW electoral commission confirms being aware of vulnerabilities found in Swiss Post e-voting system and affirms that it does not affect their use of iVote for the NSW State Election.Read more

Le système de vote électronique de La Poste sous le feu des hackeurs

Article about the criticized Swiss Post's bug bounty program for its e-voting systemRead more

Erreur manifeste dans la solution de vote électronique développée par la Poste et Scytl. Quelles conséquences la Chancellerie fédérale en tire-t-elle? (Swiss Parliament Question)

2019/03/13: Balthasar Glättli, member of the Swiss National Council, submitted questions to the Federal Chancellery concerning the safety and the future of e-voting after a trapdoor was found in the system by security researchers 

The Federal Chancellery's answer was...Read more

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