Swiss Post

Système de vote électronique de la Poste - Expériences et revers sur le chemin vers un système complètement fiable (La Poste presentation)

2019/04/15: Presentation by Denis Morel, public service digital responsible for La Poste, on the Swiss Poste e-voting system. Presentation given during the seminar on Legal Informatics in Macolin. Read more

Swiss Post to focus solely on new system with universal verifiability (Swiss Post press release)

2019/07/05: Swiss Post official press release announcing their decision to stop offering their previous e-voting system and to focus on developing a new one wit universal verifiability that should be ready for trial from 2020. Read more

Three cantons seek damages for failed e-voting system (Swiss Info article)

2019/07/08: Swiss Info article on the three swiss Cantons, Fribourg, Thurgau, and Neuchâtel, asking Swiss Post compensation for the shut down of its e-voting system. The three Canton had invested in the e-voting system before it was suspended.Read more

Release of source code leads to discovery of flaw in Swiss Post’s new e-voting system (Federal Chancellery press release)

2019/03/12: Federal Chancellery official press release about the flaws found in the Swiss Post e-voting system. The Federal Chancellery calls for Swiss Post to review and improve it's system's security process and "will review the relevant certification and authorization procedures." The...Read more

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