Swiss Post

New finding in the source code (Swiss Post article)

2019/03/25: Swiss Post article reacting to the second vulnerability report in its e-voting system. Report: more

Federal Chancellery to review evoting

2019/03/29: Federal Chancellery official statement concerning the decision of Swiss Post to suspend their e-voting system after new vulnerabilities have been found during their Public Intrusion Test.Read more

Swiss Post’s voting system put through its paces by hackers (Swiss Post article)

2019/02/07: Interview of Denis Morel, in charge of the Post e-voting system, about the Public Intrusion Test that was about to be opened.

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Knights and Knaves Run Elections: Internet Voting and Undetectable Electoral Fraud (IEEE article)

2019/07/04: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers's article on the vulnerability found in the Swiss Post e-voting system, the security of e-voting systems and how to build a trustworthy e-voting system.

Reference: ...Read more

Some analysis of sVote, the Swiss Post/Scytl Internet Voting Protocol and some of the implications for New South Wales, Australia

2019/08: Presentation by Vanessa Teague on her work with Sarah Jamie Lewis and Olivier Pereira on sVote, the Swiss Post/Scytl Internet Voting Protocol and some of the implications for New South Wales, AustraliaRead more

Swiss Post to focus solely on new system with universal verifiability (Swiss Post press release)

2019/07/05: Swiss Post official press release announcing their decision to stop offering their previous e-voting system and to focus on developing a new one wit universal verifiability that should be ready for trial from 2020. Read more

eVoting? Burn it with fire! (H. Marques article)

2019/04: Hernâni Marques article giving his opinion on eVoting. Marques strongly criticizes not only Swiss Post's e-voting system but e-voting in general.Read more

Ballot box not hacked, errors in the source code – Swiss Post temporarily suspends its e-voting system

2019/03/29 : Swiss Post official press release on their decision to put on hold their e-voting system due to the recent disclosure of vulnerabilities in their source code. Followed by facts and figures on the public intrusion test on the e-voting system.Read more

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