Swiss Post

Statement on recent comments regarding the source code publication of the Swiss e-voting system

2019/02/22: Scytl statement concerning rumors of Swiss Post leaked source code. This addresses the cases of unofficial diffusion of source code and unofficial criticsRead more

Swiss Post’s voting system put through its paces by hackers (Swiss Post article)

2019/02/07: Interview of Denis Morel, in charge of the Post e-voting system, about the Public Intrusion Test that was about to be opened.

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Vote électronique - Öffentlicher Intrusionstest 2019 : Schlussbericht des Steuerungsausschusses (Federal Chancellery)

08/2019: E-voting - Public Intrusion test 2019: Final report of the steering committee. System under test: Swiss Post e-voting system with universal verifiability Read more

Vote électronique. Exigences fixées par la Confédération et des cantons pour les tests d’intrusion publics

2018/10/29: Electronic Voting. Requirements set by the Confederation and cantons for public intrusion testsRead more

People must weigh up the risks of e-voting (Swiss Post article)

2017/12/01: Swiss Post article by Stefan Friedli. The cyber-security specialist comes back on the parliamentary motion to submit e-voting to a public intrusion system and why this is not enough to assure the system's securityRead more

Swiss Post to focus solely on new system with universal verifiability (Swiss Post press release)

2019/07/05: Swiss Post official press release announcing their decision to stop offering their previous e-voting system and to focus on developing a new one wit universal verifiability that should be ready for trial from 2020. Read more

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