Swiss Post

Test Public d'Intrusion (Swiss Federal Chancellery)

2019/02/07: Swiss Federal Chancellery official document on the Public Intrusion Test for the Swiss Post e-voting systemRead more

Release of source code leads to discovery of flaw in Swiss Post’s new e-voting system (Federal Chancellery press release)

2019/03/12: Federal Chancellery official press release about the flaws found in the Swiss Post e-voting system. The Federal Chancellery calls for Swiss Post to review and improve it's system's security process and "will review the relevant certification and authorization procedures." The...Read more

Error in the source code discovered and rectified (Swiss Post press release)

2019/03/12: Swiss Post official press release reacting to the vulnerability found by security researchers during the public intrusion test on their e-voting system.Read more

Scytl sVote Software Architecture description

2018 : Official document describing Scytle sVote Software ArchitectureRead more

Statement on recent comments regarding the source code publication of the Swiss e-voting system

2019/02/22: Scytl statement concerning rumors of Swiss Post leaked source code. This addresses the cases of unofficial diffusion of source code and unofficial criticsRead more

KPMG Zertificat : Prüfung der Funktionalität für Systems zur elektrnischen Stimmabgabe

2017/06/27: KPMG Certificat : Testing the functionality of electronic voting systemsRead more

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