Swiss Post

Vote électronique : le Conseil fédéral restructure la phase dʼessai et renonce pour lʼinstant à en faire un canal de vote ordinaire (Federal Chancellery communication)

2019/06/27: Swiss Federal Chancellery communication on the FederalConcil's decision to postpone the use of e-voting for the swiss elections and to adapt the general terms of the trial phaseRead more

E-Voting der Post lässt sich nicht schützen sagt Chaos Computer Club ( article)

2019/02/19: article interviewing two experts of Chaos Cumputer Club on Swiss Post e-voting systemRead more

Gravierender Mangel am E-Voting-System der Post entdeckt (Republik article)

2019/03/12: Republik article about the vulnerability reported by  security researcher in the Swiss Post e-voting systemRead more

Some analysis of sVote, the Swiss Post/Scytl Internet Voting Protocol and some of the implications for New South Wales, Australia

2019/08: Presentation by Vanessa Teague on her work with Sarah Jamie Lewis and Olivier Pereira on sVote, the Swiss Post/Scytl Internet Voting Protocol and some of the implications for New South Wales, AustraliaRead more

Swiss Post publishes the source code for its e-voting system (Swiss Post article)

2019/02/07: Swiss Post article about the publication of the source code for its e-voting system.Read more

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