Swiss Post

Vote électronique. Un test public dʼintrusion aura lieu en février et en mars 2019 (Federal Chancellery communication)

2019/02/07: Swiss Federal Chancellery communication announcing the Public Intrusion Test to be launched by Swiss Post for its e-voting systemRead more

Nouveau système de vote électronique de La Poste : la publication du code source entraîne la mise en évidence dʼune faille (Federal Chancellery Press Release)

2019/03/12: Federal Chancellery official press release (french version) about the flaws found in the Swiss Post e-voting system. The Federal Chancellery calls for Swiss Post to review and improve it's system's security process and "will review the ...Read more

Scytl sVote Audit of the process with Control Components

Official document of Scytl sVote : Audit of the process with Control ComponentsRead more

Ils ont trouvé la faille dans le système dʼe-voting (TDG article)

2019/03/14: Tribune de Genève's article on the vulnerability found by Sarah Jamie Lewis, Olivier Perreira and Vanessa Teague in Swiss Post e-voting systemRead more

Test public d’intrusion. Fiche d’information du comité de gestion de la Confédération et des cantons

2019/02/25: Factsheet of the Management Committee of the Confederation and the CantonsRead more

Speak Math To Power: Get Your Limited Edition Commemorative T-shirt (Open Privacy article)

2019/08/06: Open Privacy, Sarah Jamie Lewis' Society, article announcing that Swiss Post paid 2'500 CHF for the vulnerabilities reports made by Sarah Jamie Lewis, Vanessa Teague, and Olivier Pereira. The article also explains why the researchers didn't take part in the official public intrusion...Read more

Post im Gespräch mit Kantonen über E-voting-System (Swiss Info article)

2019/08/23: Swiss Info article on the discussion happening between Swiss Post and Cantons to work on their e-voting system.Read more

Analyzing the feasibility of the recently reported attacks to the Swiss e-voting system (Scytl's statement)

2019/03/13: Scytl's analysis of the feasibility of the vulnerabilities revealed in the Swiss Post e-voting system by security researchers. Scytl asserts that these vulnerabilities couldn't be exploited because "such attacks are highly unlikely – not to say impossible...Read more

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