Swiss Post

Swiss Post Electronic Voting Solution Source Code Access Agreement

2019/01: Official Swiss Post access agreement, terms of use for their source code in the context of their bug bounty program for their e-voting systemRead more

Vote électronique : publication du code source

2018/05/30:  Explanatory report on the amendment of the Ordinance of the Federal Chancellery on electronic voting (OVotE)Read more

Erreur manifeste dans la solution de vote électronique développée par la Poste et Scytl. Quelles conséquences la Chancellerie fédérale en tire-t-elle? (Swiss Parliament Question)

2019/03/13: Balthasar Glättli, member of the Swiss National Council, submitted questions to the Federal Chancellery concerning the safety and the future of e-voting after a trapdoor was found in the system by security researchers 

The Federal Chancellery's answer was...Read more

Preventing phishing attacks on e-voting (Swiss Post article)

2018/04/25: Swiss Post article by Christian Folini on pishing attacks and how to prevent them when using e-voting.Read more

People are in favour of e-voting – despite the safety concerns (Swiss Post article)

2017/11/27: Swiss Post article on a study conducted by the Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau (ZDA). The study about e-voting showed support amongst the public in favor of an e-voting system.Read more

Fact and fiction (Swiss Post article)

2018/12/20: Swiss Post article by Christian Matthey reacting to the decision of the Geneva authorities to abandon the development of e-voting.Read more

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