vulnerability disclosure

What SATAN is

1995 : The program SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analysing Networks) had been written to scan a Unix host on a network and then issue a report about known security vulnerabilities as well as possible fixes. It was the first vulnerability scanning program which...Read more

Ils ont trouvé la faille dans le système dʼe-voting (TDG article)

2019/03/14: Tribune de Genève's article on the vulnerability found by Sarah Jamie Lewis, Olivier Perreira and Vanessa Teague in Swiss Post e-voting systemRead more

DOJ: Framework for a Vulnerability Disclosure Program for Online Systems

2017/07 : The U.S. Department of Justice created a Framework for a Vulnerability Disclosure Program for Online Systems.Read more

Google Ups the Bug Bounty Ante to $3133.7 (Threat post)

2010/07/20 : Dennis Fisher writes on the new adjustment of the price of Google bug rewards.

This artifact is part of the Google Vulnerability Report Bundle.Read more

Open Source Vulnerability DataBase (OSVDB)

2002 : "The OSVDB was founded at the infosec conferences, Black Hat and DEF CON, created to provide an accurate, detailed and unbiased technical information about all types of vulnerabilities. The OSVDB was opened for public use in 2004, and a nonprofit was created to support the database, the Open...Read more
Improving the Security of Your Site by Breaking Into it

1993/12/02 : Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema published this paper about improving the security of websites by breaking into it.

By this publication, authors wished they "can increase security by raising awareness."(p.16-17)

They also explain the...Read more

Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure: Bringing Balance to the Force (Microsoft)

2010/07/22 : "Today on the MSRC [Microsoft Security Response Center] blog, Matt Thomlinson, General Manager of Trustworthy Computing Security, announced our new philosophy on Coordinated...Read more

Statement on recent comments regarding the source code publication of the Swiss e-voting system

2019/02/22: Scytl statement concerning rumors of Swiss Post leaked source code. This addresses the cases of unofficial diffusion of source code and unofficial criticsRead more

Software Vulnerabilities: Full-, Responsible-, and Non-Disclosure - (Cencini, Yu and Chan publication)

2005/12/07 : Andrew Cencini, Kevin Yu, Tony Chan write upon the different choices of vulnerability disclosures.

"When a software vulnerability is discovered by a third party, the complex question of who, what...Read more

What “Efail” Tells Us About Email Vulnerabilities and Disclosure (Lawfare article)

2018/05/24: Article on EFAIL vulnerability, email vulnerabilities and the patching of those vulnerabilities. It questions the safety of emails in generalRead more

#EFail - the security industry and the importance of nuance (HackDefense article)

2018(05/14: Article criticizing the handling of the EFAIL vulnerabilities disclosureRead more

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