digital ethnography

Akrich (2019) "Temporalité, régimes de participation et formes de communautés. Comprendre la dynamique d'un forum grand public autour du dépistage prénatal"

"Comment rendre compte de la dynamique des échanges sur un forum ? Comment analyser la transformation dans le temps de cet espace ? De quelle manière en caractériser l’organisation ?"Read more

Friedman (2005) "Armchair Anthropology in the Cyber Age?"

"I think the web is going to change anthropology in another way. I predict that we will slowly see the return of the “armchair anthropologists” Malinowski so famously dethroned."Read more

Golub (2010) "Being in the world (of Warcraft): Raiding, Realism, and Knowledge Production in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game"

"This paper discusses two main claims made about virtual worlds: first, that people become “immersed” in virtual worlds because of their sensorial realism, and second, because virtual worlds appear to be “places” they can be studied without reference to the lives that their inhabitants live in...Read more

Postill (2010) "Researching the internet - Reviews"

Review of four important Internet ethnographies : "Hakken's Cyborgs@cyberspace? (1999), Zurawski's Virtuelle Ethnizität (2000), Hine's Virtual ethnography (2000), and Miller and Slater's (2000) The Internet: an ethnographic approach. The authors of those...Read more

Madianou (2015) "Polymedia and Ethnography: Understanding the Social in Social Media"

"In this essay I argue that social media need to be understood as part of complex environments of communicative opportunities which I conceptualize as polymedia. This approach shifts our attention from social media as discrete platforms to the ways users navigate environments of affordances in...Read more

Williams (2013) "Virtual Ethnography"

Oxford Bibliographies article on the topic of Virtual EthnographyRead more

Dalsgaard (2016) "The Ethnographic Use of Facebook in Everyday Life"

"[...] What types of field relations stem from such social media-driven ethnography? And what kinds of data do these relations present to the ethnographer? [...] I argue that ethnography is already in possession of the methodological tools critically to assess the validity and value of data...Read more

Postill (2016) "Doing remote ethnography"

"In this chapter I reflect on my experience of researching digital politics while physically absent from ‘the field’. I argue that there is nothing inherently inferior or illegitimate about researching local issues remotely (e.g. via Twitter, live streaming, web cam, email, online archives), or...Read more

Digital Ethnography. References list

References list on the topic of (digital) ethnography. Seminars@Unibas + Unifr 2017 by David BozziniRead more

Balleys, Coll (2015) "La mise en scène de la vie privée en ligne par les adolescents"

"Que recouvre la notion de vie privée dans les pratiques de sociabilité adolescente médiatisée ? Comment les adolescents fabriquent-ils une représentation de leur vie privée sur les réseaux sociaux, et selon quelles logiques ? Quelles sont les corrélations existant entre la mise en scène de la...Read more

Demazière et al. (2011) "Ethnographie de Terrain et Relation d'Enquête. Observer les "Communautés" de Logiciels Libres"

An ethnographic survey conducted over five years in a free software developers’ « community ». [...] A classical way to take this characteristic into account is to conduct surveys from a distance [...] and sometimes complementing them with direct inquiries with the participants (interviews or...Read more

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