digital ethnography

Dalsgaard (2016) "The Ethnographic Use of Facebook in Everyday Life"

"[...] What types of field relations stem from such social media-driven ethnography? And what kinds of data do these relations present to the ethnographer? [...] I argue that ethnography is already in possession of the methodological tools critically to assess the validity and value of data...Read more

Airoldi (2018) Ethnography and the digital fields of social media

"Qualitative researchers struggle to study the transient fields of social network sites like Twitter through conventional ethnographic approaches. This paper suggests that, in order to step further, we should distinguish between the relatively stable ‘contextual’ fields of bounded online...Read more

Nardi (2015) "Virtuality*"

This review examines studies of the affordances of digital technologies that produce virtuality. What we can call a “technological turn” in the literature considers technology a first-order analytical object rather than blackboxing it or subsuming it under social process. J.J. Gibson’s original...Read more

Balleys, Coll (2015) "La mise en scène de la vie privée en ligne par les adolescents"

"Que recouvre la notion de vie privée dans les pratiques de sociabilité adolescente médiatisée ? Comment les adolescents fabriquent-ils une représentation de leur vie privée sur les réseaux sociaux, et selon quelles logiques ? Quelles sont les corrélations existant entre la mise en scène de la...Read more

Cupitt (2018) "We Have Never Been Digital Anthropologists"

Blog post by Rebehak Cupitt from the series "Private Messages from the Field" by Crystal Abidin : "In this post, I want to foreground the chimeric nature of ethnography because it was only once I situated myself in an interdisciplinary research setting and a technologically saturated field site...Read more

Demazière et al. (2011) "Ethnographie de Terrain et Relation d'Enquête. Observer les "Communautés" de Logiciels Libres"

An ethnographic survey conducted over five years in a free software developers’ « community ». [...] A classical way to take this characteristic into account is to conduct surveys from a distance [...] and sometimes complementing them with direct inquiries with the participants (interviews or...Read more

de Seta (2018) "Three Lies of Digital Ethnography"

Final post from the series "Private Messages from Field" by Gabriel de Seta and Crystal Abidin.

"Inspired by how Fine identifies ten lies of ethnography behind the classical virtues and technical skills of figures such as the “friendly ethnographer,” the “unobtrusive ethnographer” and the...Read more

Miller, Horst (2012) "The Digital and the Human: A prospectus for Digital Anthropology"

This introduction will propose six basic principles as the foundation for a new subdiscipline: digital anthropology.

  1. The digital itself intensifies the dialectical nature of culture
  2. Humanity is not one iota more mediated by the rise of the digital
  3. ...Read more
Golub (2010) "Being in the world (of Warcraft): Raiding, Realism, and Knowledge Production in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game"

"This paper discusses two main claims made about virtual worlds: first, that people become “immersed” in virtual worlds because of their sensorial realism, and second, because virtual worlds appear to be “places” they can be studied without reference to the lives that their inhabitants live in...Read more

Williams (2013) "Virtual Ethnography"

Oxford Bibliographies article on the topic of Virtual EthnographyRead more

Miller (2018) "Digital Anthropology"

1. "[...] populations and worlds that are largely the result of digital technologies."

2. "[...]use and consequences of digital technologies on diverse populations around the world.

3. "[...] the

...Read more
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