
Prise de position sur la modification de la Loi fédérale sur les droits politiques (passage à la mise en exploitation du vote électronique) ICT Switzerland

2019/04/15: ICT Switzerland's statement on the amendment of the Federal Act on Political Rights (transition to the use of electronic voting). ICT Switzerland's opposes the transition to e-voting into regular operation and argues for more testing. Read more

Knights and Knaves Run Elections: Internet Voting and Undetectable Electoral Fraud (IEEE article)

2019/07/04: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers's article on the vulnerability found in the Swiss Post e-voting system, the security of e-voting systems and how to build a trustworthy e-voting system.

Reference: ...Read more

End-of-year review 2017: e-voting in use in Switzerland (Swiss Post article)

2017/01/30: Swiss Post article reviewing the e-voting use in different swiss CantonsRead more

The source code of Swiss Postʼs evoting system was not “leaked”

Swiss Post official blog post refuting the rumors of their source code being "leaked" and summarizing their term of use and vulnerability disclosure policyRead more

Publication of proof of cryptographic protocol (Swiss Post article)

2018/03/22: Swiss Post article announcing the publication of proof of cryptographic protocol for its e-voting system. The mathematical proof had been verified by ETH Zürich specialists.Read more

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