
Cointet, Parasie (2019) "Enquêter à partir des traces textuelles du web"

"L’essor du web et des réseaux sociaux offre aux chercheurs en sciences sociales un volume considérable de textes [...] Combinés au développement d’outils informatiques, ces matériaux sont à l’origine d’une promesse qui a été formulée à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur des sciences...Read more

Petzold (2017)"Useful softwares for the ethnography of online practices"

Overlook of the useful software when doing online ethnography by Aurélien PetzoldRead more

Abidin (2018) "Private Messages from the Field: Confessions on Digital Ethnography and Its Discomforts"

Blog post by Crystal Abidin from her series "Private Messages from the Field" with Gabriele de Seta. This post features an introduction and backstory to this colelction of essays.

Here’s a first confession about ethnographic work: All professional things have personal

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Dalsgaard (2016) "The Ethnographic Use of Facebook in Everyday Life"

"[...] What types of field relations stem from such social media-driven ethnography? And what kinds of data do these relations present to the ethnographer? [...] I argue that ethnography is already in possession of the methodological tools critically to assess the validity and value of data...Read more

Cupitt (2018) "We Have Never Been Digital Anthropologists"

Blog post by Rebehak Cupitt from the series "Private Messages from the Field" by Crystal Abidin : "In this post, I want to foreground the chimeric nature of ethnography because it was only once I situated myself in an interdisciplinary research setting and a technologically saturated field site...Read more

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