Blog post by Rebehak Cupitt from the series "Private Messages from the Field" by Crystal Abidin : "In this post, I want to foreground the chimeric nature of ethnography because it was only once I situated myself in an interdisciplinary research setting and a technologically saturated field site, that I realized how little the epistemological frameworks and methodological toolkits of digital anthropology had prepared me to make sense of the digital itself."
Cupitt R. 2018. "We Have Never Been Digital Anthropologists" Anthrodendum.
Critical Commentary
Blog post by Rebehak Cupitt from the series "Private Messages from the Field" by Crystal Abidin : "In this post, I want to foreground the chimeric nature of ethnography because it was only once I situated myself in an interdisciplinary research setting and a technologically saturated field site, that I realized how little the epistemological frameworks and methodological toolkits of digital anthropology had prepared me to make sense of the digital itself."