2019/03/12: Federal Chancellery official press release (french version) about the flaws found in the Swiss Post e-voting system. The Federal Chancellery calls for Swiss Post to review and improve it's system's security process and "will review the ...Read more
2019/02/25: Federal Chancellery's Factsheet on the Public Intrusion Test for Swiss Post's e-voting systemRead more
2018/01/08: Swiss Post article on the situation in the Cantons of Basel-Stadt and Glarus concerning the implementation of e-votingRead more
2021/09/01 : Dennis Fisher writes a three-part series upon the evolution of bug bounties since they get birth.
Here is the third part, talking about how "during Barack...Read more
2018/05/30: Ordinance of the Federal Chancellery on electronic votingRead more
2019/08/29: Swiss Federal Chancellery official document on E-Voting in SwitzerlandRead more
2017/01/30: Swiss Post article reviewing the e-voting use in different swiss CantonsRead more
2018/07/01: Technical and administrative requirements for electronic voting (OVotE annex)Read more
2019/08: Presentation by Vanessa Teague on her work with Sarah Jamie Lewis and Olivier Pereira on sVote, the Swiss Post/Scytl Internet Voting Protocol and some of the implications for New South Wales, AustraliaRead more