
Nouveau système de vote électronique de La Poste : la publication du code source entraîne la mise en évidence dʼune faille (Federal Chancellery Press Release)

2019/03/12: Federal Chancellery official press release (french version) about the flaws found in the Swiss Post e-voting system. The Federal Chancellery calls for Swiss Post to review and improve it's system's security process and "will review the ...Read more

Swiss Post puts e-voting on hold after researchers uncover critical security errors

2019/04/05: The Daily Swig article reviewing the controversies surrounding the Swiss Post public intrusion test for their e-voting systemRead more

Fact and fiction (Swiss Post article)

2018/12/20: Swiss Post article by Christian Matthey reacting to the decision of the Geneva authorities to abandon the development of e-voting.Read more

Glossaire sur le vote électronique (Swiss Federal Chancellery)

2019/06 : Glossary on e-voting by the Swiss Federal ChancelleryRead more

Exigences techniques et administratives applicables au vote électronique (Annexe OVotE)

2018/07/01: Technical and administrative requirements for electronic voting (OVotE annex)Read more

"Junge und Politik stecken in einer Beziehungskrise" (Swiss Info article)

2019/04/12: Swiss Info article with Hernâni Marques on youth and politics, and his criticisms toward Swiss Post e-voting system.Read more

Vote électronique (Federal Chancellery document)

2019/07: document on the situation of e-voting in Switzerland by he Federal ChancelleryRead more

Auditbericht / Audit Report by OneConsult

2019/06/28 : Security check operational aspects Swiss Post's e-voting system Read more

Federal Council wants to transition e-voting into regular operation (Swiss Post article)

2018/06/27: Swiss Post article on the Federal Council's decision regarding e-voting.Read more

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