
Some analysis of sVote, the Swiss Post/Scytl Internet Voting Protocol and some of the implications for New South Wales, Australia

2019/08: Presentation by Vanessa Teague on her work with Sarah Jamie Lewis and Olivier Pereira on sVote, the Swiss Post/Scytl Internet Voting Protocol and some of the implications for New South Wales, AustraliaRead more

Nouveau système de vote électronique de La Poste : la publication du code source entraîne la mise en évidence dʼune faille (Federal Chancellery Press Release)

2019/03/12: Federal Chancellery official press release (french version) about the flaws found in the Swiss Post e-voting system. The Federal Chancellery calls for Swiss Post to review and improve it's system's security process and "will review the ...Read more

Test Public d'Intrusion. Fiche dinformation de la Chancellerie Fédérale

2019/02/25: Federal Chancellery's Factsheet on the Public Intrusion Test for Swiss Post's e-voting systemRead more

News from the cantons (Swiss Post article)

2018/01/08: Swiss Post article on the situation in the Cantons of Basel-Stadt and Glarus concerning the implementation of e-votingRead more

'Drive It Like You Stole It': When Bug Bounties Went Boom (Part Three - Fisher paper)

2021/09/01 : Dennis Fisher writes a three-part series upon the evolution of bug bounties since they get birth.

Here is the third part, talking about how "during Barack...Read more

Verordnung der BK über die elektronische Stimmabgabe

2018/05/30: Ordinance of the Federal Chancellery on electronic votingRead more

E-Voting (Federal Chancellery document)

2019/08/29: Swiss Federal Chancellery official document on E-Voting in SwitzerlandRead more

End-of-year review 2017: e-voting in use in Switzerland (Swiss Post article)

2017/01/30: Swiss Post article reviewing the e-voting use in different swiss CantonsRead more

Exigences techniques et administratives applicables au vote électronique (Annexe OVotE)

2018/07/01: Technical and administrative requirements for electronic voting (OVotE annex)Read more

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