
Swiss Post to focus solely on new system with universal verifiability (Swiss Post press release)

2019/07/05: Swiss Post official press release announcing their decision to stop offering their previous e-voting system and to focus on developing a new one wit universal verifiability that should be ready for trial from 2020. Read more

Nouveau système de vote électronique de La Poste : la publication du code source entraîne la mise en évidence dʼune faille (Federal Chancellery Press Release)

2019/03/12: Federal Chancellery official press release (french version) about the flaws found in the Swiss Post e-voting system. The Federal Chancellery calls for Swiss Post to review and improve it's system's security process and "will review the ...Read more

News from the cantons (Swiss Post article)

2018/01/08: Swiss Post article on the situation in the Cantons of Basel-Stadt and Glarus concerning the implementation of e-votingRead more

Erreur manifeste dans la solution de vote électronique développée par la Poste et Scytl. Quelles conséquences la Chancellerie fédérale en tire-t-elle? (Swiss Parliament Question)

2019/03/13: Balthasar Glättli, member of the Swiss National Council, submitted questions to the Federal Chancellery concerning the safety and the future of e-voting after a trapdoor was found in the system by security researchers 

The Federal Chancellery's answer was...Read more

Federal Council wants to transition e-voting into regular operation (Swiss Post article)

2018/06/27: Swiss Post article on the Federal Council's decision regarding e-voting.Read more

Test Public d'Intrusion (Swiss Federal Chancellery)

2019/02/07: Swiss Federal Chancellery official document on the Public Intrusion Test for the Swiss Post e-voting systemRead more

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