digital anthropology

Hine (2004) "Social Research Methods and the Internet: A Thematic Review"

Collection of articles related to Social Research Methods and accompanied by a critical introduction/review by Christine HineRead more

Digital Ethnography. References list

References list on the topic of (digital) ethnography. Seminars@Unibas + Unifr 2017 by David BozziniRead more

Wilson, Peterson (2002) "The Anthropology of Online Communities"

"Information and communication technologies based on the Internet have enabled the emergence of new sorts of communities and communicative practices [...]. The general conclusion is that the technologies comprising the Internet, and all the text and media that exist within it, are in themselves...Read more

Miller, Horst (2012) "The Digital and the Human: A prospectus for Digital Anthropology"

This introduction will propose six basic principles as the foundation for a new subdiscipline: digital anthropology.

  1. The digital itself intensifies the dialectical nature of culture
  2. Humanity is not one iota more mediated by the rise of the digital
  3. ...Read more
Kelty (2008) "Collaboration, Coordination, and Composition: Fieldwork after the Internet"

"[...]this chapter touches three issues: 1) it responds to some of the issues raised by Fabian concerning the status of eth- nographic materials and data, and of commentary as a “genre” of ethnographic writing after the Internet; 2) it distinguishes conceptually the practices of coordi-...Read more

Hallett, Barber (2014) "Ethnographic Research in a Cyber Era"

"[...] researchers need to consider how to integrate data from online spaces into “traditional” ethnographic research. [...] While traditional methods of ethnography (i.e., in-person observations and informal interviews) continue to be useful, researchers need to reconceptualize space as well as...Read more

Balleys, Coll (2015) "La mise en scène de la vie privée en ligne par les adolescents"

"Que recouvre la notion de vie privée dans les pratiques de sociabilité adolescente médiatisée ? Comment les adolescents fabriquent-ils une représentation de leur vie privée sur les réseaux sociaux, et selon quelles logiques ? Quelles sont les corrélations existant entre la mise en scène de la...Read more

Madianou (2015) "Polymedia and Ethnography: Understanding the Social in Social Media"

"In this essay I argue that social media need to be understood as part of complex environments of communicative opportunities which I conceptualize as polymedia. This approach shifts our attention from social media as discrete platforms to the ways users navigate environments of affordances in...Read more

Miller (2018) "Digital Anthropology"

1. "[...] populations and worlds that are largely the result of digital technologies."

2. "[...]use and consequences of digital technologies on diverse populations around the world.

3. "[...] the

...Read more
Garcia et al. (2009) Ethnographic Approaches to the Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication

"[I]n the online environment direct interaction with participants is replaced by computer-screen data that are largely textual, but may include combinations of textual, visual, aural, and kinetic components. We show how the online environment requires adjustments in how ethnographers define the...Read more

Postill (2015) "Digital ethnography: ‘being there’ physically, remotely, virtually and imaginatively"

On the growing importance of digital ethnography in anthropology studies. 

Relying solely on physically co-present, non-digital fieldwork, or solely on telematics is still theoretically possible, but in most research settings it no longer makes sense to do so.Read more

Beaulieu (2004) "Mediating ethnography: objectivity and the making of ethnographies of the internet"

"[...] questions of presence, field relations (including trust and confidentiality), and new possibilities for observation are especially prominently discussed. [...] I place these issues and dilemmas facing the researcher in the context of the intellectual tradition of ethnography as applied to...Read more

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